I Am @ Youth.SG
When I want the latest updates on entertainment in and out of Singapore I log onto Youth.SG
When I want to read on the latest news happening around Singapore on a daily basis and look at past news I log onto Youth.SG
When I want to be inspired with all the innovative and creative projects spunned from the simplest of ideas from ordianry people like you and me I log onto Youth.SG
When I am feeling inquisitve of the latest hang out places and who seen what, I log onto Youth.SG
When I need to check out academic applications, or work related info at just a breezy click, I log onto Youth.SG
When I want to link to rest of the world from my humble comp in my humble abode, I log onto Youth.SG
When I am feeling lonely, surged with opinions or wanting to meet up with fellow cyber pals to debate and share ideas in a friendly and constructive forum, I log onto Youth.SG
When my eyes want a visual feast of photos, I log onto Youth.SG
When I am feeling lucky for a shot of a galore of great prizes, I log onto Youth.SG
So if you are scratching your heads to where I can be at 2 places in the same time, I am proud to declare yours truly is:
I Am @ Youth.SG
The heavy downpour over the last couple of weeks was a real damper and hassle to venture out. Thankfully, the internet highway wasn't flooded and wrecked or else I will be going insane cooped up at home with nothing to do.
Here's a shot I captured from my back room view of the raindrops pitter patter on my window pane.
Still, even with the cold wet weather, I am grateful for the lil forever happi angels residing in my home which lauches my topic/rave of the day - PETS PETS PETS. I can rave all about them on youth.sg :P They define a part of mi.
As you would have seen from my earlier posts, I have a VERY adorable lil bundle of fur at home, adopted off a Lim Chu Kang farm in Nov 2005. He is my much needed source of entertainment and amusement in my humble abode.
The extent of forgiving capacity and loyalty animals/pets have for their owners is beyond your wildest expectations and imagination. As mentioned previously in other posts, I have many times accidentally stepped on Whisky's tail, lil soft paws and reprimanded him sternly plus the occassional spanking when he plays too rough or urinates out of his 'toileet' and he will always return such harsh and at times painful acts with waggy tails, smiles and sweet licking.
Awwwwww~ You can see what I mean doncha?
If I were to step on a stranger's foot, pulled his hair or even raised my voice, I will be putting myself up for a sharp glare, slap and scolding :p
Humans bear grudges BUT pets/animals don't. That's how lovable and forgiving they are. We mean the world to our pets.
Which reminds me that the lil fur ball has recently gone crazy over the compressed sticks of porkfloss my friend has sweetly bought for me in Thailand. Due to the unknown nature of the nutritional content of the delish tidbit, I feed the greedy furball only bits of it which he keeps on pawing me sliently with his pleading big round eyes for more. I had a hard time saying NO to him. Haha
Just look at the how intently he eyes it
Yummi though does not score high onlooks Anyway, Whisky being such a good lil boy who barks very very rarely and loves humans by licking them to death. He fondly welcomes all two-legged beings young or old; all races and both genders which makes him a lousy candidate for a watch-dog.
Like all dogs, he loves treats and we love spoiling or should I say pampering him with a variety of treats. In fact, he learnt how to shake hands oops, I mean paws with the help of BOW WOW mixed snacks. Clever boy! Greenies (the green looking stick bone thingy) is great to freshen up his breath and the assorted shapes of biscuits are his source of calcium for strong bones and teeth. He goes on a wagging frenzy and twirls in delighted circles when he sees anyone of us going near to the tidbit corner to fish out a treat or treats for him. :P
I was so inspired by the lovely and cute lil doggie biscuits that I created this for him to gobble up in token of my immense love for my bundle of joy and fur:
Sweeeeet huh :)
In addition, a couple of years ago, my mum bought two lil terrapins the size smaller than a child's palm home. They signify longevity as my mum proclaims. We got a girl and a boy and it was said to differentiate which terrapin's a girl or boy, you can look at the markings underneath their shell. The more complicated it is, it is a girl ( I think so) and vice-versa for a boy.
Those lil darlings are now all grown up and the size of 2 huge adult palms!!!!!!!! They go by the names of Koko (girl) and Jojo (boy) with Jojo being heavier in size with a flatter shell while Koko has a more pointed one. Both love lying still in their tanks and Jojo loves climbing up and staring at the walls for long periods. He also loves snacking on beetles while Koko is a pretty fussy eater who only eats terrapin food.
In fact, she was pretty hostile when she first arrive, threatening to snap at any fingers attempting to bathe/touch her and bit Jojo till he bled hence we had to separate the two of them. Now she is more docile and you can pet her and she wun bite no more.
Both are pretty camera shy so it's hard to get a good and clear shot.
Koko - looking sleepy Jojo -curious at me snapping away
I LOVE my pets!!!!!!!!!
"To you your pet is just a pet, but to him you are his everything"