LiFe'S a BuNcH oF LeMoNs,SqUeEzE 'eM wItH a SmilE

The bright side: Friendly and humanitarian Honest and loyal Original and inventive Independent The dark side: Intractable and contrary Perverse and unpredictable Unemotional and detached

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

TrIp To ThE zOo ParT 2 - Primate 1.2

More more more... chitter chatter~

Presenting my fave primate in the whole zoo and one of the first mammals you'll see once you walked into the Zoo:

Cotton top tamarind! Just like it's wonderful soft name, the tamarind's fur looks ultra soft and bushy! I took like 8 shots of it scampering on the tree :p

He (or she?) is cute. Look at that lil hand holding onto the tree branch.. So cuuuuuuute!

A tourist trying to coax the furry fella onto his hairy arm to no avail.

Hamadryas Baboons - The Great Rift Valley Of Ethiopia!

I am always amazed with the baboon's bright pinkish red butts so I onli took shots of their amazing butts :p

Just look at the butt! It's heart-shaped wor~

Butt doubling up as a nice spongey cushion~ shiok arh

That's the last of the primates shots I have. Will continue with part 3 tml! Have a pleasant evening my friends :)

TrIP To the ZoO pArt 2 - Primate 1.1

Primitively Primates...

There so many different species of primates at the Zoo that my eyes were bulging. Here's goes at what me and the BF saw and snapped:

Proboscis Monkey. Look at that nose!

Born free~ The gibbon that was making a damn lota calls that initally I thought it was the hyenas laughing away. Tis gibbon has really strong limbs. Hung onto that branch for eons while we gawk at him. I would have scored full marks for inclined/pull-ups if I have such strong arms haha

These 2 lil monkeys were trying to crack open the fruit. Cute lil ones.

Big moneky: Let me try~ *knock knock (the fruit on the ground)*

Bigger monkey: There! It's cracked!
Little monkey: Share leh!

Baby orang utan holding on to mummy. Awww~

TrIp To ThE zOo Part 1

Made a trip down to Zoo a few weeks ago and it's photo time! Due to the fact that blogger hanged when I uploaded too many pics I will breaking this 'Zoo entry' into parts so do bear with me and hope you enjoy the pics.

One of my fave animals in the Zoo has no doubt gotta be the White Tigers. They are so lovely! I want to cuddle one! Bengal White Tigers are found exclusively within South Asia, notably in India. This one is basking in the sun with his (or is it a her?) eyes closed.

Big fat crocodile also basking in the sun. The skin looks damn tough!

Cute furry beaver (basking in the sun again!)

All the primates coming up in the next entry :)

Monday, July 30, 2007

SiNgApOrE hEriTaGE fEsT 2007

Finally found time to upload and re-edit some the photos I took...

Went to Suntec City for a movie some weeks back and chanced upon The Singapore Heritage Festival exhibition. On display were household items and games children use to play before PSP and DS Lite were invented.

Had great fun browsing thru the displays and of course snapping em up.

The rocking chair which elderly loves the rock the time/blues away. A hot fave with the young too taking a rest before mum comes to get him on his feet again~

Olden tinkat, flasks, pot and a big jar that my aunt used to have one too which she used to bathe my cousins when they were lil toddlers :p

Black and white photos of families (long gone). A lil eeerie if you stare at em for too long though~


Wan some ice kachang?

Lemme show you how hopscotch is really played~

Hop hop hop

His Master's Voice~ The gramaphone

Festival baskets and steamboat-look-alike on top

Cute bus models of long ago (non-aircon of course!)

Pics of the zoo coming soon :)

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Woke up to a bright sunshiny morning albeit a lil hazy. Is the forest fires back rampaging on in Indonesian.

I can almost smell smoke in the air~

View from my living room window

Went off to tuition and by the time i arrived at my 2nd student's place, the sky had taken a turn with grey pregnant clouds and the low rumble of thunder. Fallen leaves were swept into a ferocious wild dance as the strong blast of wind blew by. It wasn't long before heavy pellets of rain dropped from the sky. Thank goodness I had my brolly with me :p

Anyway, meet this new doggie friend of mine: Jessie the chocolate cocker spaniel.

She's my cousin's dog and is really chubby tubby with a immense passion for all things edible :p

A really friendly spaniel who will lie flat for a tunny rub or look at your with her large expression eyes as you pet her head. She just had a shave so her fur really feels like velvet.

Jessie lying quietly in a corner in my niece's room

Feel like going for nap...

Friday, July 27, 2007

sPit To HeLL

It irks me when people spit everywhere and anywhere.

It is double yuck triple disgusting and it makes me wanna puke when I unfortunately witness a spitting incident. There and then I am sometimes overwhelmed with a creeping urge to take the fella by the ends of his/her hair and pushed his/her face into his/her pool of spit.

Spitting in the bushes (with spews of large drops of saliva splashing into different directions), pavements, roads which unsuspecting fellow humans will be treading their footwear on is downright ill-mannered and inconsiderate.

Is it so hard to find a dustbin or spit into a piece of tissue?

What is wrong with these people?

Complain when viruses are in the air but hey man, you are contributing to the viral environment with your spitting ways. Shame on you!

May you slip and fall on a pool of spit of a fellow inconsiderate and disgusting to the depths of hell spitter too.

Good riddance!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

GloOm and CoLD

The weather's been pretty gloomy these days...

Cotton thick greyish black clouds, the sun taking refuge behind em, streaks of thunderous lightenings and cold chilly wind that cuts through the bone.


Although it's no longer sweltering hot now, too much rainy weather really makes one's spirits take a dip. Gloomy and lacklustre that is how I feel. Everything seems to move in slow motion now.

When will I see the sun again?
When will I feel the warmth beating down on my icy skin?


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

BeiNg DiSciPLiNeD

It's hard being disciplined when it comes to money matters...

Met up with the BF after work at Suntec for dinner and the usual jalan jalan. Our mouths were itching to sink our chompers into either:

1) Shanghai dim sum at Crystal Jade
2) Sashimi delights at Kushinbo
3) Sashimi delights at Hanabi
4) Chicken wrapped in fresh lettuce leaves at Soup Restaurant
5)Fried chicken patties in a soft omelette nest at Tonkichi

It was struggle to reach a decision as we wanted to eat not one, not two but all 5.

In the end, guess which place we chose to go...


Neither. Suntec Fountain Foodcourt.

The issue of being less indulgent and saving our pennies for the future made us think twice of dining at expensive restaurants. In fact we felt pretty good after tucking into our less than $5 bucks per pax chicken rice and hokkien mee at the foodcourt.

Frankly, it's not easy to save and not splurge on impulse be it when it comes to food, fashion, gadgets or entertainment. My weakness probably lies in food and fashion. Many-a-times I commit the crime of spending exorbitant amts on fashion/food when my bank account is on red alert. Many-a-times I console myself that if I do not get it now, the top/bag/shoe will be gone when I get my pay etc and I will just put back the balance when I get my pay.

Not exactly the healthiest way to pyscho myself to part with my hard earned $.

It's not going to be easy but I will try my darnest.

Monday, July 23, 2007

I hAvE sO MuCH tO tELL...

Gosh, where do I start?

Ended off the weekday on Fri with a horror movie treat at GV Europa at VivoCity. Read here and here for more details on it. The movie Alone was having a premiere and my fren and I were one of the first to catch it :p

We were both spooked to the bone for that 95mins duration and thankfully have each other for company home *phew*

Arrive on the dot at 7pm at VivoCity and flew to get out tixs. The movie was damn punctual, and thankfully we did not miss much except for mayb the 1st minute of the movie? Settled into my seat I was lugging my bag higher and higher as a source of protection from the ghoul on the screen. Alone is a horror movie that is worth watching I tell you. Many a times I jumped in my seat and was waiting with bated breath. I even opened and closed my eyes during certain scenes coz it was scary to watch yet I wanted to watch it. Dilemma lah~

Ting and I then went off for a warm lunch at AMK's mac and discussed how Alone freak the both of us out haha...

It was than off to day (whole day I mean) to the ZOO and the Night Safari on Sunday. Took lotsa pics which I will upload once I get the time to sort em out. I was like busy snapping almost every animal in the zoo and also candid cute shots of the kiddos there too. Childlike innocence at its purest form. Personally I prefer the daytime zoo coz my Night Safari experience was marred by the relentless rain and honestly, it was too dark to take any photos and flash photography is not be used in the Night Safari for fear of provoking and startling the animal residents there.

Will elaborate more on the animalistic trip in an upcoming entry.

Also trooped down to GV Marina to catch the thriller 'Vacancy' with the BF on sat. Will update on the review when am done but in short I say it's not enough worth getting the VCD for it even though Kate Beckinsale is hot :p

Back to work now...have a not-so-bluey monday friends :)

Friday, July 20, 2007

2007 2007


Special date it is today (bet there are couples rom-ing today too). Had not realised it if not for a fren who sent me an sms commemorate it. Just wanna shout to all my friends, loved ones and you who chance upon my blog a sweet and happy 20-07-2007 (it's fri guys!)


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

(Un)qUoteTaBLe QuOtEs

The things people say....

'I am in a hurry, just give me the pen...' - by some yau kwee customer asking for a free cheapskate pen from my sales promoter bro at NTUC.

This particular customer was in such a hurry to duno-where that he actually bothered to carry his bags of NTUC grocery from the checkout counter at Thomson Plaza and walked to the far end to where my bro was situated with the free pens, utter the above quote, take the pen from him and walked all the way to the escalator near the checkout area of the NTUC. Pricless.

'...I did not know bankrupts need permission to travel out of the country...' -by infamous Mr Richard Yong.

Hello? A man of your caliber has no idea that bankrupts can't come and go as they please? Trying the lamest excuse in the book just to get off the hook? Please try again. Wait a minute, how come you knew that bankrupts can't own a single thing under their name and was in a hurry to transfer the money you got off unsuspecting donors for the kidney patients to someone else's bank account?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

We ALL LoVe u

Was it because of the lack of attention or it's innate?

I am talking about turning-2-year-old dog.

Born on a ulu farm in the far reaches of Lim Chu Kang where other pure breeds of sheltie reside and left to roam in the yard with other doggies and a prized one (plus a noist chihwawa) pampered indoors, I often wonder how Whisky and his other 2 siblings felt.

Do they feel left out and neglected by the previous owners just because they were an 'accidental product' and not pedigrees? Could it be so hence the manja/attention-seeking/loves to be around and sayanged by humans nature in him?

I doubt the previous owner had time to even look at the puppies.

This lil furball loves casting 'dewy eyes' at the family so that we would cuddle him in the morning, afternoon, evening, night and practically anytime of the day. He lifts his paw up for us to massage. Turn his belly up for us to scratch. Using his paws to grip our hands/legs closer to him so he can conveniently rest his lil head on it.

He loves humans to the extent of being 100% trusting. He knows no evils and is very guillible and child-like (albeit he is a dog). I often worry if should he get lost (choy!) one day, would he be bullied just because he sees all humans as friends even the cruel ones.

Drawn naturally to humans, even the karang guni man loves him so much, my mum and me worry he might dog-nap whisky :p

Whisky is the first dog I ever had and I know that years down the road there will not be another one like him.


Monday, July 16, 2007

BiRdS oF a fEaThEr


They are a labelled pesky bunch now with their toxic waste peppered all over place. Taking a walk down Waterloo street in the vicinity of The Goddess of Mercy temple, you can see flocks of pigeons gathered around and their waste long stained the pavements.

People will be taking cover just in case they get 'bombed' by a watery, smelly and toxic gift of the feathered ones.

Even car owners often lament how their cleanly washed vehicles are stained the next day/afternoon/evening by the birds. No wonder people hate em so much.

We are warned to feed the pigeons or risk breeding and more toxic waste splattered in the neighbourhood but it's hard since there is trash everywhere and people still DO feed them once in awhile with pieces of bread etc.

They look cute (sm though look pretty evil) and my mum once (like over 20 years ago) picked up an infant pigeon and raised it to adulthood before releasing it to the world beyond. I love pigeons for their reflective specturm of colours but the fear of disease that these unsuspecting bids carry distanced me away from them.

Could not resist taking pics of them.

Hot hot day...time to cool down with some tap water.

Taking shelter from the sunny sun under the children's playground (which was deserted)


Whisky looking sleepy in mum's arms while she watches telly.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

PLeAse DoNAtE... nOt!

A quick entry before am off to a meeting in Sentosa...

The BF sent me home on Tues night after an exciting movie feast of Die Hard 4.0. It was like 10 plus and we were chatting outside the corridor near the lift landing on unit level. Minutes into our conversation, I spied from the corner of my eye, a slight figure coming towards our direction.

I took a look and saw a female dressed in berms, tee and cap walking towards us. She was holding a card-like object in her hand and her mobile in the other. Along the way, she stopped outside some units, looked at the door and smsed into her mobile. Had no idea what she was doing at such an hour (in fact, I thought she was the daughter of one of the neighbours) and definitely not wanting to find out, the BF and me briskly turned towards my unit and walked away from that strange lady.

She then called out to us but we ignored her. When my mum opened the door to let me and the BF into my home, that lady spoke in chinese, asking us to make some donation. My mum refused politely and she walked away.

Weird. Are people supposed to door to door to soliciate for donations after 10pm? I think it scares potential donors off more.

Mum and the BF were speculating that it could be a fraud and how there are an increasingly number of fraud donations recently.

Take the example of the fake monks and nuns begging for $ along the streets. The Sunday Times just last week ran a story that they were fakes housed in Geylang and some 'monks' even have girlfriends.

So be careful my friends. Do not be taken in by these fakes.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

LiVe EaRtH

Live Earth...

With global warming hot on our trails, Live Earth was conceived to raise awareness among the general public with regards to saving our planet from self destruction which we humans self inflicted on her.

A series of concerts was kicked off in many countries and people wore green to commerate this 'earth loving' day.

Yeah. Right.

How in the world is a series of concerts going to instill 'earth loving' vibes in the selfish human population?

To many, it is just a free chance to catch your fave singers etc in action live.

That all and that's it.

Just look at the pile of rubbish discarded after the 'feel good' concerts ended. Ironic and a waste of time. Not to mention the huge amts of fuel and electricity used to stage the concerts and people staying indoors infront of their tellies with aircon on full blast due to the sweltering heat outside.

Not very earth friendly wor~

The human population suffers from short-term memory apparently.

Monday, July 09, 2007


This baby is mine:

iPod Shuffle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Except I do not know which colour I am getting.

The surprise came in this week's freshly out 'U WEEKLY'! I won this through a 'win iPod shuffle MP3' contest that will be running for 3 weeks. Each week, 15 lucky winners will be picked to win the shuffle.

All you have to do is to pose for a pic with apple's iPod mp3 players, email to U WEEKLY and your pic may stand a chance to win the coveted shuffle!

I was over the moon when I saw pic (which I took with whisky) published and was in shock over the win :p

Go on, get busy snapping and own this baby. It's small enough to fit into the slimmest of jeans and great when you go jogging with music filling up your ears!

Get your U WEEKLY now! Pronto! It is also featuring Harry Potter on its cover *woo hoo*

Friday, July 06, 2007



Got acquainted with this song by the sentimental Richard Marx whose famous songs such as 'Right Here Waiting' and 'Now & Forever' were massive hits back in the early 90s. I love 'Hazard' for it's wrenching lyrics for (very) misunderstood young man accused ofr murdering a girl in a town called 'Hazard'.

The music is lovely and haunting bass beats.

Hazard by Richard Marx

My mother came to Hazard when I was just seven
Even then the folks in town said with prejudiced eyes
That boy's not right ...
Three years ago when I came to know Mary
First time that someone looked beyond the rumours and the lies
And saw the man inside ...

We used to walk down by the river
She loved to watch the sun go down
We used to walk along the river
And dream our way out of this town ...

No one understood what I felt for Mary
No one cared until the night she went out walking alone
And never came home ...
Man with a badge came knocking next morning
Here was I surrounded by a thousand fingers suddenly
Pointed right at me ...

I swear I left her by the river
I swear I left her safe and sound
I need to make it to the river
And leave this old Nebraska town

I think about my life gone by
And how it's done me wrong
There's no escape for me this time
All of my rescues are gone, long gone

I swear I left her by the river
I swear I left her safe and sound
I need to make it to the river
And leave this old Nebraska town ...

Thursday, July 05, 2007


Mating ritual of another kind.

What you are going to see in this entry to come is definitely not RAted but a miracle work of Mother Nature.

Caught 'Life in the Undergrowth' on Arts Central at 10pm (wed)yesterday and was blown away by the elaborate albeit slimey (crikey!) mating ritual of the Leopard Slugs. Goodness, sex never looked more luminous than this.

The below pics are courtesy of:

Taa dah! May I present to you the visual mating ritual of the Leopard Slug for those who missed the docu last night.

1st stage: The two sticky slimey lovers will tangle up in each others soft tender embrace and leaving a sticky and thick and tough trail of slime while hanging upside down from a tree branch. (Sorry, I can't differentiate which is male or female :p)

2nd stage: Aroused, each slug's reproductive organ starts to show. The white-bluish thingy is IT.

3rd stage: The sexual organs of each slug gets longer and longer and bluer and bluer. Reminds me of the luminous blue flame of the bunsen burner that I experiment with during chemistry lab class.

4th Stage: The sexual organs also entangle up in each other to aid fertilization.

5th stage: The organs start to fan out in a pretty shape. Amazing muscles to flex! Looks like a lil flower ready to bloom.

Last stage: Fertilized and the slugs will go on their separate ways. No, they do not go ROM and dig a burrow to set up a home.
P/S: I suddenly feel like eating 'la la' and 'gong gong'.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007



I am upset.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Couldn't make you see it
That I loved you more than you'll ever know

I fell in love with this song after hearing it on my bf's mp3 player. I have always liked Lifehouse's lead singer's husky rough vocals. Got to know the band in secondary school when I chanced upon 'Hanging by a moment' by them. Never looked back since.

This song is on replay mode on my player now... It's sooo good on the ears~

Blind by Lifehouse

I was young but I wasn't naive
I watched helpless as he turned around to leave
And still I have the pain I have to carry
A past so deep that even you could not bury if you tried

After all this time
I never thought we'd be here
Never thought we'd be here
When my love for you was blind
But I couldn't make you see it
Couldn't make you see it
That I loved you more than you'll ever know
A part of me died when I let you go

I would fall asleep
Only in hopes of dreaming
That everything would be like is was before
But nights like this it seems are slowly fleeting
They disappear as reality is crashing to the floor

After all this time
I never thought we'd be here
Never thought we'd be here
When my love for you was blind
But I couldn't make you see it
Couldn't make you see it
That I loved you more than you'll ever know
A part of me died when I let you go

After all this time
Would you ever wanna leave it
Maybe you could not believe it
That my love for you was blind
But I couldn't make you see it
Couldn't make you see it
That I loved you more than you will ever know
A part of me died when I let you go
And I loved you more than you'll ever know
A part of me dies when I let you go

Monday, July 02, 2007


GST credits and the hike...

Got the GST credits banked into my account like on friday and it was a pleasant surprise considering the official date was 1st July. It then struck me that 1st July was a Sunday so of course the credits will come in early... So not much of a surprise anyway...

Was out in town on Sat doing a spot of shopping with the BF. He is in need of new working shirts, pants, socks, tees and jeans (not me not always in shoppaholic-mode :p) so we took to Orchard to see if there are any he can amass.

The crowd was a KILLER. People packed like sardines in a can!

Was it because:

1) Everyone raring to beat the GST hike on the following day

2) Everyone raring to spend their GST credit $$ which was supposed to be used to offset the hike (-_-III)

3) It was a saturday

4) Or, a combination of the above reasons.

I could not breathe and was in a dizzy state of conscious for the rest of the day. Fighting with the over-enthusiastic crowd.

I will probably use my (not much) credits to pay for my (alot) insurances. :P