LiFe'S a BuNcH oF LeMoNs,SqUeEzE 'eM wItH a SmilE

The bright side: Friendly and humanitarian Honest and loyal Original and inventive Independent The dark side: Intractable and contrary Perverse and unpredictable Unemotional and detached

Friday, January 29, 2010

BirThDay POp

Planned a surprise birthday celebration for a colleague. Hopped into the office slightly earlier than usual to carry out our 'conspiracy'.

While we waited for the birthday gal to walk into our 'silent office trap', with the surprise cake, bear and rose awaiting for her and her cubicle area decked out with balloons and Happy Birthday decor.

Lovely lovely :)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

CaB mAD cApErS

A sign from up above shoned upon me and bf yesterday during our dinner outing.

We had both trooped down to Chinatown Maxwell for dinner after his hair cut. After the meal, he wanted to take a cab back home because his leg was aching machiam a nerve twisted or something.

So we walked towards a taxi stand, before we reached the taxi stand, we spotted a lady alighting from an SMRT cab and the BF said something to the effect of: "I am not taking SMRT cab, let's skip this one.'

I was like: -_-III

Anyways, another man rushed up to the empty SMRT cab and hopped into it even before we got near.

We stood at the deserted taxi stand and waited.

Waited. All the cabs which drove past the taxi stands were all on hired. So we waited somemore.

Then an elderly ang moh with his foreign asian counterpart strolled into the taxi stand and stood behind us. We waited. A cab finally drove but alas, the driver wasn't going the way where the bf and I wanted to go BUT was doin the CHIJMES area the angmoh was going.

Major -_-III

The angmoh even guestured his hands and shrugged his shoulders and said to us to something to the effect of: Oops! Sorry, tough luck.

I so wanted to bash him.

Anyway there's more to come.

So after that qian bian ang moh left, we continued to wait. Then another asian couple lingered near the taxi stand and attempted to hijack the next cab that came along. But I think they probably din realised there was just a taxi stand next to them, coz the guy looked up at the stand after he saw my bf frantically flagging for the cab to stop infront of us.

Again, the damn cab was only going to mountbatten direction which we weren't but the couple was.

By then, I was simmering I tell you.

We then proceeded to walk to OG to get into another cab. 5 minutes after we were crossing mid-way along the pedestrain, guess what happened?


I wanted to just evaporate into the air.

More to come.

At OG after an urgent loo trip the bf had to make, we realised to our dismay the intial 3 empty cabs infront of the taxi stand had drove off. Leaving only a cab that was going to some specific direction which again we weren't going.

*punches middle finger in the air*

So we went to somewhere near chinatown pt and finally got an empty cab hailed off the road.

So pissed lah. It was sign from up above we should not have taken a cab. Coz the time spent hailing could have gotten us to my home on a bus ride.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

VeRi FaRni

Just after I blogged about bak kwa prices. I managed to snare a pack at the usual discounted prices.


Monday, January 25, 2010

BbQ pork

Bak Kwa prices are on the rise~

Thursday, January 21, 2010

SurF'S up

Another wave of work coming up.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

LeT gO

Sometimes saying goodbye is hard.

But it's inevitable.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


And the macbook pro ain't mine.

Monday, January 18, 2010

OuT wItH tHe Old,in WiTH tHe NeW

Spring Cleaning in action.

I was looking at the heap of rubbish on my table, room and those clothes. How am I gonna clear all out in 1 day?

Wonder if any creatures are currently living under those heaps too.

Friday, January 08, 2010


I am so going to make that MacBook Pro mine!

*types furiously*

Thursday, January 07, 2010

The LiON, HIpPO, zEbRA & gIRAFFe

I love the Madagascar series of movies and short cartoons.

Currently 1 and Sequel 2 and the special X'mas edition is sitting prettily in my itouch. To date I have watched it like over thrice.

Damn nice.

Love King Julien and Mort is sooooo irritatingly cute!

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

855 & 961

Does the 2 sets of numbers look to you in any way alike/similar?

I don't think so right.

So how is it so that I actually dragged the BF onto bus 961 at Queenstown, thinking it was 855?

*slaps one's own forehead*

- A lil rewind on the tale -

We had actually went to Queenstown shopping centre to browse for new shoes for the fella. After futile browsing, we decided to board 855 down to Thomson Plaza and adjourned to the prata place opposite.

Due to my excitement for Teh Halia and prata, I actually did the unimaginable and got him to board the bus '855' (which was actually bus 961'.

It was about 3/4 into the journey after the bus by passed King Albert Park and did not turn into the road route as expected did the BF think something was amiss. The suspicion that we happily hopped onto the wrong bus was affirmative when it by-passed Rail Mall and turned into Chua Chu Kang.

The BF for his life couldn't link how from CCK can actually lead to Lornie Rd and into Thomson.

Immediately I felt like banging my head against the window pane.


Bye prata. Hello long MRT ride home from Kranji.



And to think we uttered '855', 'prata place' and 'Thomson' countless times in our convo during the journey. I think the passenger infront of us were thinking if we were nutso or what.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

SmELL The KopI

$1 regular coffee brew at Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf when you pay using your Nets Flash Pay.

Great! I love such a dollar deals.

Monday, January 04, 2010


Made any New Year Resolution?

Here's mine:

1) Earn more $ and save more $

2) Pass my Grade 1 and move on to Grade 2 (hopefully to pass it by year-end too)