LiFe'S a BuNcH oF LeMoNs,SqUeEzE 'eM wItH a SmilE

The bright side: Friendly and humanitarian Honest and loyal Original and inventive Independent The dark side: Intractable and contrary Perverse and unpredictable Unemotional and detached

Monday, July 16, 2007

BiRdS oF a fEaThEr


They are a labelled pesky bunch now with their toxic waste peppered all over place. Taking a walk down Waterloo street in the vicinity of The Goddess of Mercy temple, you can see flocks of pigeons gathered around and their waste long stained the pavements.

People will be taking cover just in case they get 'bombed' by a watery, smelly and toxic gift of the feathered ones.

Even car owners often lament how their cleanly washed vehicles are stained the next day/afternoon/evening by the birds. No wonder people hate em so much.

We are warned to feed the pigeons or risk breeding and more toxic waste splattered in the neighbourhood but it's hard since there is trash everywhere and people still DO feed them once in awhile with pieces of bread etc.

They look cute (sm though look pretty evil) and my mum once (like over 20 years ago) picked up an infant pigeon and raised it to adulthood before releasing it to the world beyond. I love pigeons for their reflective specturm of colours but the fear of disease that these unsuspecting bids carry distanced me away from them.

Could not resist taking pics of them.

Hot hot day...time to cool down with some tap water.

Taking shelter from the sunny sun under the children's playground (which was deserted)


Whisky looking sleepy in mum's arms while she watches telly.


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