fLu BaBy
Was sick ydae...came down with a bout of flu.It was freezing on Tuesday night even though I1) had the fan off2) drapped myself in my long pjs3) held my bolster and pillow(s) close to me4) at times got up to seek extra heat from my dog by placing him close to meAll to no avail and I woke up with a runny nose and heavy head.Trooped off to see doc close to noon and went home with flu and cough pills (weird, wonder why I was given cough pills when I had no cough; din touch those). The flu pills made me half comatose and I was like popping into bed in between hours. My routine went something like this:7am: Woke up groggy, fluish and with a heavy head8am: decided to be on mc and info-ed bosses8am- 11am: went back to sleep11am: dragged myself to see doc before they break for a lunch break1140: returned home; ate lunch and med12 noon: felt super sleepy but had to just blog my movie blog before I drift off1pm-3pm: slept like a log3pm: woke up, put on my super thick specs and mop around like a living zombie320pm: went back to sleep5pm: got up to eat dinner and med630pm - 9pm: slept like a log920 - 1040pm: talked to bf on the phone11pm: took a quick and hot bath12 mid night: slept like a log till this morning.Gosh, being sick made me sleep like a baby. Never knew I could sleep so much. The last time I slept like this was when I was back from my OBS camp when I was 15 and slept 10 hours odd straight.Anyway, am not touching those flu pills as I feel well enough now and no more drowsness for the meantime :p
Been addicted to soya bean drink lately...For some unknown reason, I have been craving for the beanish tasting drink every morning. Made my way down for a cup to da-pow back to office during lunch today from the famous (and now feuding and split) Rochor Beancurd stall near my office.I like my soya bean drink hot hot hot. Especially with the rainy season upon us (with the coming Dec), it warms mi up from my tummy :pDid a research on the net on the goodness of soya bean drink and here are some of the findings I trawled from the net.It is written that Soya is one of the oldest and most nutritious foods in the world, dating back to the 11th century BC. Soya has many nutritional advantages as it contains protein, fibre and isoflavones which have positive effects on cholesterol, bone density, menstrual and menopausal symptoms as well as preventing certain cancers. In orser to achieve this RDA (which is 25g) of Soya to promote a healthy heart and reduce cholesterol it is necessary to consume three portions of a Soya based food each day. The webby suggest using Soya milk on cereal each morning, adding soya milk to tea and coffee and choosing a dessert made from soya milk eg. custard or fruit smoothies yoghurt etc. Talk about soya overdose! Haha
a ride down memory lane
Took a bus down to causeway point to meet my bf ydae and it was simultaneously a trip down memory lane for me.Hopped onto TIBS (formerly known as Trans Island) bus 852 for a ride down to Khatib MRT Station and the bus (commonly seen in the early 1990s) was one of the few buses left running on the roads of the 21st century Singapore.The seats were covered in orangy-brown leather, aircon( used to be non aircon), single seater seats by the left in the front section of the bus, and little grey and white bus bells by the sides of the bus. I felt as if I was back in my pri school days. The days were buses were all not airconditoned but 'wind conditioned', paying our fares through dropping coins or by the translink cards. Ahhhh, never knew I missed those days. A rare sight that is nearing the age of dinosaurs man.On a more delish note, had pizzas for dinner and it was lip smacking good. I love haiwaian pizzas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Feel very stuffed after my meal. Yum.On a parting to note to someone: Some people are too wrapped in their warped world and others can go choose to believe those suckers. A leopard never changes its spots. So heck em. Time will reveal who's right and wrong. As long as our conscious is clear and honest, nothing can bring one down. One will never realise what he/she lost till he/she loses em.
HaiR Oh HAiR
Hair.... I mean those on your head laMy hair have always been long (past my shoulders) except for time when I was in primary 1, I had it cropped short and JcC year 1 with shoulder length hair as I was too lazy to tie it up every morning before school.Have kept it layered and long and had played with the thoughts of chopping it off but frankly my face can't take short hair. It's too round and fleshy so it's better I junk the thought or risk looking like a full moon. I do not have a fixed hair stylist as I hop around when I go for my hair cuts. From the more upmarket ones to the auntie hairdresser along void decks, I have tried (most) them all. My most memorable experience was when I won a voucher for a wash, haircut and style at Le Salon. Situated at the chi chi section of Taka, I was a lil intimidated of the salon. With a haircut starting from 90 and above, poor me dun have such dough to splash out. I was assigned a senior hairstylist by the name of Marc whose is from HK. He was pretty friendly and does not have the air of a haughty senior hairstylist. His breezy conversations totally put me at ease.Have to admit, one does pay for quality cuts and Marc did a darn good job with my hair. Even after half a year, my hair still stays in good shape. Luv it. I have always sported a fringe since my uni years to hide my high forehead and usually the hairdressers that I frequent will just trim it and let all the excess fall over my eyes and face. But at Le Salon, I was given a 'tissue treament'.What is a 'tissue treatment'?, I hear you ask. Basically, while I was having my fringe trimmed, the hair assistant (who shadows Marc as he does his work on my hair) will hold a tissue above my eyes to catch the 'fallen hair'. Gosh, I was like so taken aback with the treatment. I think my eyes were like goggling hahaha...Was also given a nice cuppa coffee to drink but I only took a sip as I didn't want to move about too much and make things hard for Marc (please la, my crowning glory is at stake). The head massage while I was having my head washed was also very nice and relaxing. Throughly enjoyed that and I give it 2 thumbs up! :)Overall, the experience wasn't all too bad (considering it was my first time in such a upmarket hair salon) and will definitely love to go there again (when I have the dough). Would have loved to have my hair dyed and highlighted too but I reckoned the bill will run up to a couple of hundred bucks and I will have a heart attack. Haha... I used to love having my hair take on a nice shade of brown but recently seem to have lost all interest in dyeing it. Am currently allowing the remaining colour (my last colouring job was done early last year) to grow out.*looking at strawy ends of hair*... Don't get me started on that...
dAnCiNg BarBiE
Remember about the post whereby there's this Barbie & the 12 dancing princesses musical performance which I missed a couple of days ago at Raffles City? Well, the girly girl in me caught it yday whilst I was waiting for my bf to meet me there after work. Arrived at Raffles City at around 615pm (my workplace is like a 10 mins walk from Raffles City) and procceeded to (window)shop around for half an hour and bought something for my bf (not gonna tell what it is dear, it's a secret *evil laughter*) and went over to the corridor on the 2nd level facing the stage to watch the performance.Waited for a good 20 mins before the performance started. There were so many little girls dressed in pink, frocks and fairy wands together with their parents seated near the stage waiting in anticpation. Some were even shaking their hips and twirling on the spot to the music that was blasting from the hi-fi. Cute!In the audience, I spotted a couple of cute lil boys waiting to catch the show too. My bro (when he was young) wouldn't be caught dead with a Barbie doll. Anyway, the performance soon started and a lil answer-a-qn-and-win-a-prize segment was initiated before the muscial started. They were so many lil kiddos raising their hands and jumping when asked if they knew the answers to the questions. So freakingly responsive haha... Just love the enthusiam of lil kiddos. I think they won some Barbie stickers and souvenirs etc.The emcee also got the kiddos to start clapping their hands and shout 'Barbie' to 'wake' the princesses to get onto the stage. Couldn't really see clearly the faces of the ladies (probably learnt ballet before) impersonating Barbie and the Dancing Princesses but they pretty gorgeous from where I was looking on. And they dance realli well. My fave *blush* is Princess Edeline (dressed in orange gown), she look so darn sweet and chio on the figurine box but for some weird reason, I dun see her doll on sale. Someone please enlighten me. I wanna see if the real toy looks as good as what is printed on the box.Summary of story: Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses is the story of Barbie as Genevieve, 1 of 12 sisters who live happily with their father the king. Concerned that the high-spirited, independent princesses need more structure to become proper princesses, the king invites his cousin, the Dutchess Rowena to move into the castle. Rather than help, Rowina forbids the sisters from singing and dancing and squelches their individuality. The princesses discover a magical enchanted world and escape the tyranny of Rowena. But when Genevieve learns that their father's life is in danger, the sisters must unite to save the king and their kingdom. But I din managed to watch the performance till the end. Left when Dutchess Rowena discover the secret enchanted place the princesses went to to dance. Made me wish I was a lil girl still... *daydreaming*
Just wanna share some very very creative and darn good ads worldwide... Enjoy :)
This one was first put up by a fellow stomper in the TalkBack forums. Very funny yet simple and gets the message clearly across. Darn fantastic. Sets you thinking hor :p
Durex ad (also my fave!):
Creative use of the sliding doors in departmental stores to sell a body ordour combating product. Seems like you have B.O. if you walk thru those doors haha
Our local horrow movie in tangible and life sized form. I soooo DO NOT want to lift the red veil. Eerie!
Coffee lovers rejoice! Walk here for nose-lifting dose of free caffeine :p
HaRi RaYa ViSiT
Went down to CCK yday to go visiting.Bf's colleague had invited us to his house for Hari Raya at his home in CCK in the afternoon. Was there for around an hour and indulged in a buffet there. There was spicy fried macroni, tender mutton rendang, curry chicken, hot cheng teng, malay traditonal kueh etc etc.The buffet was yummy, I especially love the mutton rendang. Sedap! It got me thinking how delicious Malay cuisine is with their fab use of spices and chilli. Yum!!!!!! To digress, there was this middle-age lady with her hubby sitting beside my bf while we were makaning at Hari Raya celebration spread. She had this very permed hair, thick make-up and her ears and neck were drapped in pearls. I was trying very hard not to stare at her. In fact, I thought she looked a lil like Moses Lim in drag :pJust on Sat, we had gone down to Thomson's famous prata house for crispy egg pratas, mutton curry and teh tarik. Goodness, the teh tarik was sooooooooooooo nice! I could have drank 2 glasses if I could. The bill ran up to $8.50 for 3 egg prata, 1 ko-song prata, 1 plate of mutton curry and 2 glasses of teh tarik. Cheap and good. Being the i-can't resist-doggies people, we popped into Joy Doggie (also located along Thomson) and went gogo-gaga over the puppies there. There were 3 golden retriever pups, 2 shit tzus, Yokshire terrier, 1 adorable pug, 1 brown pom and 2 toy poodles etc. Sooooooo cute (but a lil smelly with poo)!Also bought some treats for Whisky while I was there. I love going into pet shops, always switches me on a happi mood. How can anyone remain stressed or unhappy when huge and cuddly looking pups are looking back at you with their innocent eyes? Not me.
temptation and unpleasantries
Was at Raffles City's Robinsons ydae evening.Planning to browse the ladies' section was stunned by the number of pretty dresses, tops and more at Robinsons. I cannot describe how hard I tried to keep my wallet closed and nestled deep into my bag. The tube dresses (my current weak point) were drop deap gorgeous. I want them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The accessories were also colour coordinated and I was bowled over. Went from rack to rack looking and marvelling at those clothes. Thankfully my guardian angel was watching over me and I managed to not sucumb to the immense devlish temptation to go on a whirlwind spree to and fro the fitting rooms and ending up with an armful of clothes. My wallet remains intact and untouched. HahaBut really, it is sooooooooo not apt to go window shopping at Robinsons, FEP, Isetan when I am nearing the red alert for my bank acc. It is pure agony looking at those wonderful stuff and yet not being able to buy them. But my disobedient feet just can't help walking into those stores. Urgh!After I thoroughly scoured that particular level of Robinsons, I made my way down to the 1st level and saw a Barbie performance and goodies on sale. There was the newly released Dancing Princess Barbies toys, pencil boxes and assorted merchandise decked in what else but girly pink. Tons of people have gathered near the stage area to watch a dunno-what-time-den-will-start performance. I left even before it started. Went for dinner at Lerk Thai with beloved and was looking forward to their delicious mango and glutinous rice dessert but was only told by the waiter that the mangoes were still greenish and not ripe yet. Darn, damn disappointed you know. In the end, we decided on 4 pcs of tapioca drenched in lemak coconut instead. It wasn't too bad but will still prefer the mango and glutinous pairing. Darn.We then took the train home and met with a somewhat unpleasant experience. This ah ma and her 2 grandchildren were going into the same cabin as us and you know what happened? They were like snatching and planting their butts on the seats as though their lives depended on it. The grandkids (around 3 or 4 yrs old) were like screaming (translated from chinese): "Quick! Snatch a seat! Snatch a seat!" *faint*PLEASE. We will both gladly give up our seat for the elderly, preggers and young kiddos, there is no need for such crude acts k. Imagine how those kiddos will grow to be? Sooooooo malu.*shakes head*
I am sooooooo full...Had an extremely heavy dinner last nite with Christel and co at AMK and the food is still lying stagnant in my tummy. Goodness, why is my metabolism rate so lagging?????I am soooo envious of you Christel *going mock green eyed*Due to the fact that I ate tooo much and some other reasons, I only fell into dreamland close to 2am. Had a dream of spotting a long lost friend of sec school times and going up to her and asking how is she now. Funny but it's such a pity she had distant and broke off almost all contact (except for another friend who has her on msn) from our group. Hence, am feeling very sleepy and not in the best of mood today... And I gotta work tomorrow *groan* Just wanna lug my sleep deprived body home or I realli need a strong dose of caffeine to last me thru the day *looking at watch* Arrgh, it's only past 10am and I am already grumbling!But a ray of sunshine is beating down on me though, lovely Christal brought back gifts from me from Shanghai! What a dear! Love the brown babydoll top, earrings, bracelet and kimchi chips (lip smacking good) you have flown in for me. *Smile widely*I was flabbergasted with the goodies. Dun worrie, I am game for exotic food, the duck liver sounds yummi :p
ThAi DeLiGhTs
Dined at Thai Express yday...And it was pretty yummi experience. Met up with beloved for dinner and walk-about town after a day of work. Was undecided what to eat and almost headed for cuppage foodcourt when we popped into Paragon and passed by Thai Express.The friendly prices and warm ambience drew us in and the rest is history. Got comfortably settled in at the table for four, we poured over the menu before deciding on fried squid drenched in sweet & sour sauce, the popular green curry, tofu laced in chilli powder and sauce, two bowls of steaming white rice and the staple mango and glutinous rice for dessert. The good:The green curry, fried squid and tofu were excellent. I especially love the fried squid, crispy yet tender the swell combi of sweet and sour taste was exploding in my mouth. Very nice!The bad:The mango glutinous rice was a BIG disappointment. Although the glutinous rice was okay, the mango failed miserably. It was neither sweet nor sour and hell tasted darn bland. I was picking on it with distaste. Yuck!!!!!!!!!Overall, will still go again but will stay far away from the above mentioned dessert.
fLiPpY oVeR fLip FLoPs
I am a flip flop girl.
Yes, I am totally crazy over flip flop and flats. To tell the truth, I can't balance myself over any footwear higher than a kitten heel and I have a grand total of one pair of black kitten heels from new urban male in contrast to my collection of flip flops from new urban male, surfbabe, flash splash, Billabong and assorted. I even have 2 pairs of flip flop key chains from ice lemon tea (at J8. heh
My obsession for these comfy footwear dates back to my years in JC where I amass a particular design of flip flops from reef (at flash splash outlets at Paragon and Heeren) in 3 different colours and and 2 pairs of the same colour coz I wanna keep one as a keepsake. I am THAT crazy and that pair is still lying in the bag unworn.
With a sky rocketing comfort level and allows me to run like the wind, it is not hard to see why I favour flip flops. Although they can't provide a formal presentation but... I still adore em and wear em to the beach and pool :)
Aren't these gojane sandals chio~In fact, my latest obession are these flip flops and flats in gold colour and had gotten a pair from Gojane which I oh soooooo love. Am aiming for a gold pair from reef but a lil ex like 30 over dollars so gotta wait till I have the spare cash before I go make em mine :p
RiNg My EaR
I am heated up. No thanks to my incessant diet of fried stuff and all things heaty, I have now reaped my just deserts with a blocked ear and an irritating ringing sound in my right ear. I sooo deserve it. Urgh!Been having this since yday and was dunking tons of 3 legged cooling and antelope horn bottled drinks. But still the ringing soon remains. Guess, the effects will take some time. I must be veri heaty. Hate the muffled ear,I can't plug into my mp3 player without wondering what's wrong. And worried too...When will it go away??????????????I am like sooo resisting the urge to dug my ear out... Shit, hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Must take more cooling water and stuff to de-heat. Rem to keep yourself cool guys, dun get overheated :)
WhIsKeD aWaY tO wEstMaLL
Went down to WestMall at Bukit Batok yesterday...Gosh, it's been ages since I have been to mall located at the distant Western part of Singapore. I good over (or close to) 10 mrt stops from my tomato land, it's no wonder I seldom step foot there. The last time I stood on the soil of Bukit Batok has gotta be back when I was in my first year of University (and that is like 3 years ago!) with my uni/JC pal Lishuang to do a Geog project. Time sure flies speedily.Anyway, met with my bf and frenz over there for a dinner and movie and caught Flushed Away. You can read my other blog on movie reviews and all thing movies at http://chummycheryl.spaces.live.com/. The blog is up for a voting competition at http://www.moviesonspaces.com/. Am finalist number 2. Vote for me if you think my blog is good enough (no obligation la haha). Sms is charged at 20cents. Thanks in advance! :)For my fellow pals who love to write, try your lingustic fingers on setting up a msn live spaces blog too and blogged about movies. Can get a chance to win VIP movie tixs from GV.Back to the topic of WestMall, I discovered a food gem over there while having dinner. Rushed down for a pipping hot bowl and thich broth of prawn mee soup at the foodcourt (the stall is located near the foodcourt entrance) of WestMall. At 4 bucks a bowl, I was so bowled over (pun unintended) by it. The broth itself is winner. I am still licking my lips over it. Yummi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*slurp*
MRt oR bUs
Are you a bus or MRT person?
I'm an MRT convert haha. Why do I say so?
For the past 10 years or so and through my academic years, I am a frequent bus rider taking a 10 mins to the longest an hr to my schools frm pri to sec to jc to uni. I enjoy bus rides along with my trusty walkman to discman to mp3 player. Listening to my fave songs as the bus roll along the roads to my destination. Although a bus journey frm amk to clementi is much longer compared to taking the train but I had always faithfully took it in favour.
But I could never read on a bus coz I'll end up feeling nauseous when I reached my stop hence doing my pre-exam readings or homework on the bus is a no-no unless I want to puke.
But as I graduated and proceeded to move on to working life, I seem to discover the joy of a speedy train ride home sans the jams encountered on buses. Time seems to be never enough and I am now relying on trains to speedily send me home. Take for an instance a bus ride during the peak hour from my work place to home will probably take up to 40mins but if I take the train I can shave off the half the time to home. Which will I choose? The train of course unless I really have tons of time to spare and enjoy getting caught in a jam will I take the bus home.
I used to loathe taking trains coz I feel ultra uncomfy staring the passenger sitting across me (unlike buses where I can just stare hard at the head of the person infront of me or daze at the scenery outside) and the black dark tunnels the train need to pass through. I still loathe the staring part but have progressed to tolerating it.
Bus rides are now only reserved when I have luxury of time (which is like so rare) or i just need to get within my estate if not the train has taken it's place as my trusty transport ride home and to work :)
Will be on leave tomorrow*punches fist in air joyously*Yeaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*SCREAM*
BoDy PaRtS
Okie, let us all be honest.Which part of a girl/guy do you look at?For guys: Is it the butt, legs, boobs or wateva?For ladies: Is it the arms, eyes, butt or wateva?Am I generalising or do you see the difference between the body parts that men annd woman spy upon on 1st impression/when they checking out the opposite gender?Reali, I know many guys who list boobs (substantial) on their gf criteria list. Although I am just of average size and am not eating sour grapes k, why do guys need such big boobs? Why har?And if they want big boobs on their gf, they expect other men to keep their eyes off their gfs' veri obivous assets. Please, that is so unreasonable. Do you expect ur gf to walk with her hands shielding her chest? If you are so insecure den please dun get a gf but an air blown doll instead. You can keep her home for your sole eyes onli *rolls eyes*Boobs arent' everything although I do understand that it's innate in guys to have a 'thing' for such sensual mounds. But please do not list criterias such as 'I wan my gf to b C cup and abv' nonsense unless you are that substantial yourself.Luckily, not all Singaporean men are like that, if not i'll probably set up a bust enlargement centre and luff all the way to the bank. HahaProportionate is the key word. Big boobs look yucky on a veri petitie girl (some of my guy frens have agreed on this too), it looks as if she will topple over anytime anywhere. EeeksWe look at beautiful body parts but do not impose it on your partner/s. It is unrealistic coz you probably never look into the mirror and examine urself in the 1st place if you do. Please go get a mirror. PLEASE.
ThE CoVeNaNt
Caught "The Covenant" at The Cathay on Sat with bf and frens....Starring 4 droolsome hunks and a babe. Eye candy hits the 5 stars on my meter. HahaIn fact, the broOding leading actor, Caleb (Steven Strait), bears a resemblance to the dashing Josh Harnett, Reid (Toby Hemingway) looks like Dray Malfoy (Harry Potter) and Sarah (Laura Ramsey) looks like the young Claire Danes (Romeo & Juliet). I was like swooning.Plot wise, the most exaggerted scene has got be the part where Caleb's expensive looking sports car crashed into a HUGE truck after he sighted a eerie 'darkling'. Instead of getting killed with an ultra wrecked car, Caleb and his car broke into lil pieces and then miraculously piece back into 1 piece. OMG! Unbelievable.The most scary scene? When Sarah was taking a late night bath in her school's hostel and was spooked by a broken light and shawdoy figure watching her. Sarah's dream about icky spiders all over he room (which she shares with a room mate) and spiders crawling into her room mate's body and breaking out of her face got mi goosebumps on my arms. *shiver*Anyway, the story revolves round the 'sons of Ispwich' who are friends Caleb (Steven Strait), Pogue (Taylor Kitsch), Tyler (Chase Crawford), and Reid (Toby Hemingway), all descendants of the families that founded a Massachusetts witch colony in the 17th century. Innate with special powers beyond imagination and fiery dark eyeballs when they use their magic, the boys had their first taste of the powers within them when they were 13 and will attain full power maturity and 'ascend' when they turn 18. Caleb will be the 1st to turn the iconic 18 among the 4 boys.Hence, baddie Chase (Sebastian Stan) who is also 'blessed' with such powers and hungry for more, enters the picture. He lures and tries to get Caleb to 'will' him his power using Caleb's frens, family and Sarah as a threat.What's so fascinating about the powers? You can conjure up silverish energy balls ala street fighter, fly deftly down towering cliffs and swish your enemies with just the life of your finger tips. The downside? You age like mad when you use your powers. Proclaim you can handle it? Nay, the powers are 'seductive', it's an addiction. In fact, Caleb's dad (who is addicted to using his 'blessed' powers) looks a century old even though he is onli 44! Eeek!So naive Chase thinks that having more powers equals to wun age so much even is he uses them. Unfortuately, it doesn't work in that way. It's the body which is unable to tahan the use of such immense power and ages; not becoz of the lack of power. Still Chase is bent on Caleb 'willing' him his powers and a battle ensues between the two men at the age old pustnam barn of Caleb.Still all ends well, when Caleb's dad willed him his power (his dad died as a result since the power is equals to life) and he defeated Chase. A sequel is a possiblity as Chase's body was not found in the burnt down barn house. Overall, the movie isn't too bad. I rate it 3 and a half stars outta five stars. After which, we all trooped outta the theatre and waited for the crowds to clear b4 going down to Hark Cafe near my office for drinks and songs. Not a bad place to unwind and hear talented singers belting out mandopop songs. Wun mind going again :pI am still swooning over the lead actor. Hahacopyright © 2006 Screen Gems (Sony)
<---- Caleb & his invincible car
BuDdY bRo
SiblingsSuch a bitter sweet word,doncha think.We have a love-hate r/s with our bros and sis. Mi undeniably too.My bro and I are separated by a 5 yr age gap. We had our fair share (and still do) of fighting, tugging ,wrestling, screaming, shouting at the top of lungs, crying, luffing, talking crap thru the morning till nite. Basically I lurve my bro more than I hate him la. I can still remember when I was round 12 yrs of age and him 7 yrs old, we had a crying and tygging match over a toy mobile phone that my mum bought me (or us to share :p), I was veri X a million times to share the toy with him. And hence he broke inTO raindrop big tears, puffy red face and cried for it. We created quite a rukus (I think) which got my parents into an angry fit. On one hand, their stubborn daughter didn't want to share and on the other hand their son was bawling his eyes out. In the end, my dad went out and bought the same toy for my bro. Heh. I was happy I need not share. *oops*I also rem the many a times me or my bro goofed up on wat we were about to say and starting luffing like mad hyenas over the spoofs. Darn. So funni! Siblings can be a pain in the neck at times but they are a pain I can live with and will not want to lose. I can't imagine life without my bro and (hopefully he feels the same way too, doncha bro? *in mock threatening look and tone*) he's the closest kin (next to my parents) I can trust. Blood is thicker than water. And it's true in every sense of the word.Love your siblings, they are precious and you bet they love u all the same (hidden deep in their stubborn exteriors). :)
DiNnInG iN tHe DaRk
Blacked out...Haha...dun panic did not faint or anyth but was plunged into darkness at Bishan Junction 8's foodcourt yesterday while about to tuck into my pipping hot egg pratas and my beloved had just had his butt inches off the chair when the lights went out. I was stunned for awhile. Damn, hungry you know. How to eat in the dark esp when I got night blindness? Shit, I tore haphazardly at my prata with my beloved trying to help. His tummy was rumbling too but with the electricity cut off even if he could wonder about in the dark food court, all the stores were unable to serve him as no electricity equals no cooking.So we shared the two egg pratas I bought seconds before the black out. Funny thing was only the foodcourt experienced the black out but the rest of J8 was still brightly lit. DARN.Thankfully 15 mins later (and 1 and a half of the egg prata in our tummies), the lights came back on. You can hear a chorus of joy frm customers haha...So beloved was finally able to get a delish bowl of beef noodles. In fact I think he ate quite a fair bit of my prata as my appeitite sucked ydae. Was feeling super bloated ydae and due to my penchant for babydoll tops and fevernt rubbing on my bloated tummy, one auntie thought I was preggers haha...Anyway, I am not preggers, the bloatedness was a sympton for that time of the month la....At least I feel beta todae... But still got a lil bloated :P
BiTtEr Or SuGaR
Sweet talk 24/7 for 365 days a yr?It amazes me how some people rather be fed spoonfuls of sugar then to heed to the bitter truth from friends. Do you know a high dosage of sugar is extremely harmful and can result in dire consequences?Yes, sweet stuff are always easier to swallow den bitter stuff but hey bitter stuff aint' that bad under it's harsh exterior k...Do not think that people who agree with you constantly, putting you on the pedestal or even praising you (blindly) are frens worth hanging out/talking/trusting. Look deeper into such individual, it's only those who reali care will (bother to) give you advice. If you can't swallow the truth then I pity you.I appreciate my frens who can give mi constructive advices and are not afraid to disagree/argue (not in an angry manner)/debate with my opinions. Thanks guys, you all are great! We do not just live in a world where this only ourselves. So why shouldn't we open our ears, eyes and heart to what other's got to say?Even if it's bitter? Yes.Who leads a smooth sailing life? No one can be certain.Start appreciating those true frens around you before even they could no longer be bothered to dish out the precious bitter truth.
Was busy the whole morning till now...Finally, can take some time out to blog my excess creative energy away :pGosh, it was all sunny this morning, giving me the immense temptation to skip work and head for the pool for a tan and swim but sadly I can only dream about it coz got work to attend to and I can't be sooo irresponsible rite?So off to work, the obedient streak in me did. Went to Plaza Singapura's Fish Mahatten for lunch with my colleague as a bdae treat for her. Quite a nice place and the bill ran up to a reasonable $24 for 2 set lunches. We were like ohing and ahhing at the strange fishes shown on the projector screen in the restuarant.Why do stone fishes look so fugly and creepy? *shiver*Had B&J Strawberry cheesecake ice-cream courtesy of my colleague. Yum. It was sweet of her. I love B&J!!!!!!!!!!! Over priced it may be but the chunky cheesecake bits and strawberry just makes it soooooooo irresistable. *drool*Okay, I know I ate tons of calories today but... My spirit and flesh were weak. *sheesh*Now, the sky has turned gloomy and pitter patter raindrops ar falling over the roof. Shit, hope the rain stops before work ends. Am meeting my 38 clan after work todae. *yeah*