LiFe'S a BuNcH oF LeMoNs,SqUeEzE 'eM wItH a SmilE

The bright side: Friendly and humanitarian Honest and loyal Original and inventive Independent The dark side: Intractable and contrary Perverse and unpredictable Unemotional and detached

Saturday, November 04, 2006

BuDdY bRo


Such a bitter sweet word,doncha think.

We have a love-hate r/s with our bros and sis. Mi undeniably too.

My bro and I are separated by a 5 yr age gap. We had our fair share (and still do) of fighting, tugging ,wrestling, screaming, shouting at the top of lungs, crying, luffing, talking crap thru the morning till nite.

Basically I lurve my bro more than I hate him la.

I can still remember when I was round 12 yrs of age and him 7 yrs old, we had a crying and tygging match over a toy mobile phone that my mum bought me (or us to share :p), I was veri X a million times to share the toy with him. And hence he broke inTO raindrop big tears, puffy red face and cried for it. We created quite a rukus (I think) which got my parents into an angry fit.

On one hand, their stubborn daughter didn't want to share and on the other hand their son was bawling his eyes out. In the end, my dad went out and bought the same toy for my bro. Heh. I was happy I need not share. *oops*

I also rem the many a times me or my bro goofed up on wat we were about to say and starting luffing like mad hyenas over the spoofs. Darn. So funni!

Siblings can be a pain in the neck at times but they are a pain I can live with and will not want to lose.

I can't imagine life without my bro and (hopefully he feels the same way too, doncha bro? *in mock threatening look and tone*) he's the closest kin (next to my parents) I can trust.

Blood is thicker than water. And it's true in every sense of the word.

Love your siblings, they are precious and you bet they love u all the same (hidden deep in their stubborn exteriors).



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