CaSt anD CoNcreTe
I voted for Economic Stability.
Nursed a horrible throat inflammation + fever on Sunday all the way through to yesterday. Even though, I am now typing out this blog entry in the office, I am feeling slightly wobbly and generating tons of phelgm mush.
And I have 2 tooth extractions this coming Monday.
Anyways, the main point of blogging this is to rant my frustrations about being sick for 3 days straight.
I started experiencing heavy-headed syndrome on Saturday (was musuem hopping at National Museum and MBS) and than developed into cold shivers on Sunday. Fever broke through the night and dragged myself to see the doctor in the morning.
Took medicine and KO-ed. Sequence repeated itself thrice. Only ate watery rice + veg soup and slept ALOT. Such that when night time came, I had trouble knocking off.
The alternative hot and cold shivers was the worst of the lot. One moment I would be clamouring for cover and the next I can't wait to kick it off the bed. I would awake in the afternoon sweaty yet skin feel cold to the touch.
This carried through the NDP holiday *boo hoo* cannot go out jalan jalan =.=
During the moments, I wasn't sleeping I would be:
1) Bent over the washroom basin trying my darnest to puke out phelgm. It has the irritating cloyness to stick to my throat resulting in hoarse vocals.
2) Logging on to Facebook but soon enought juz looking at my mobile gave me a wave of nausea
3) Feeling sorry myself . Such a total waste of time doing nothing.