Edward's dad is HOT!
I caught New Moon.There were a couple of teenage girls sitting in the first few rows, who started to swoon and chatted excitedly amongst themselves when Jacob the werewolf took off his shirt.Then they proceed to applaud the movie when the credits came up.And the bf was snoozing 3/4 of the movie.I think Edward's dad is darn cool and charming.
Ho CHi miN
The boy is off to Vietnam.Hope he will buy nice coffee back.
FrEe StEAk
Astons Express for dinner. On the bf. *3 cheers for him*The medium rare ribeye steak was lovely (save for the bits of fats here n there). U should see the juicy blood oozing out. But of course incomparable to the Outback Aust la. If only Astons' potato salad could be finer. Not exactly a fan of their chunky potato salad (tink Botak Jone's nicer in terms of that).Nevertheless, the main meat was a killer. Yums.
Back to being a student on a weekend. Back to hitting the practise books. Back to getting the jitters. *calm down girl*
HuNgRy ThEn fUlL
The tummy was rumbling for food this morning. So on the way to work, I snapped up some fried goodies - sotong and crab nuggets. And also a bottle of chrysanthemum to wash it all down.Settled down infront of my comp to tuck into the crab nuggets first.Halfway, felt full. Then appetite lost into the wind.Now my sotong is untouched and cold. My bottle of chrysanthemum is condensing on my table.
beAnSpRoUTs HeRe i ComE
I did it.The first lesson starts this Saturday.
LOve tHe JuICy BITs
Mushroom soup.Love it. Thick and not overly creamy with lots of mushroom juicy bits from...Soup Spoon!
Hate it when the face gets oily mid-day.
LOnG teRm ComMiTmeNt
Thinking of picking up a new hobby/skill.Should I or not?
Some words should not be spoken. And more so not to certain people.What were you thinking???
I love Action City's Breadou line of :macarons!Super cute and looks a lot like the real thing :)
I caught the popular Taiwan Variety show - Guess Guess Guess on Sat nite.The show's one of my fave and it has a history of more than 10 years in the running. Helmed by the wacky Jackie Wu, Ah Ya and Butterfly sister ( a recent addition to the show), it is humorous mix of interesting personalities, chio babes, sunny hunks and fun games.There is a segment called (translated into english here): Do not judge a book by the cover. Usually (mayb like 85%of the time) is chio babes and guests are to guess which chio babe is the fave of the lot. Last sat's theme though was girls who looked the exact opposite of their made-up self. Firstly, guests were shown pictures of these girls made-up and when the girls appeared, the guests and audiences were ghastly apalled by the un-made-up girls. The stark difference got many an eye-ball popping.But what really struck me was how one the girls who came on the show, revealed her motivation for appearing bare-faced on telly: She was tired of piling on the war paint everytime she steps out of the house even for a short while to meet friends. Sick of boyfriends (ex and potential) giving her the boot after seeing her bare faced.(in fact another girl pointed how a potential skirt-chaser went from worshipping her to treating her like she's air when she met up with him one fine day without her make-up and curls.)Courage points definitely. I think is quite horrendous if a trip down the neighbourhood kopitiam warrants a made-up face. No one's gonna do a moses-spilt-the-river if you appear bare-faced there,which is like 10mins from your home. But I have to admit, make-up skills exhibited those girls were superb. They looked like they just stepped out of those online blogshops that you see on taiwan auctions. Super chio!
nO mOrE nExT tiMe
Wasted $3.30 on a sandwich.Horrible. Totally killed my appetite for sandwiches.Slept for only 4 hours last nite. Due to a strong brew of teh sui dai. Plus the bro wasn't in the prettiest of moods as his beloved team lost out to Chelsea last nite. Better steer clear of his way.
Been hacking till my head hurts.Some kinda of a screwball. Ouch.
BiTeS the HooK
Online shopping hits again
Bak ku teh twice.In the same day.A lovely broth at Alexander Food Centre. Paired with yummi salty veg + stewed innards + tau pok.
Tian Tian Huo GuoMy first time there on Sat with frenz after our initial choice of steamboat place was packed beyond words. We practically scanned the liang seah street alley for a worthy streamboat place before we settled our sore butts and limbs there.Although the place was packed.Although they were severely understaffed.Although we had to change tables twice.Although our final table had NO aircon.I still want to make a repeat visit albeit will go there earlier. Simply cozthe soup bases I had there were terrific (IMO).The herbal base were fabulously erm~ HerbalishThe corn + pork rib base was sweet and swell (mayb with a lil help from msg)I loved it. Ate more than 30 prawns and my tummy since then has been growling. Been hungry all day since Sat despite the heavy meals.Could be the herbal.