LiFe'S a BuNcH oF LeMoNs,SqUeEzE 'eM wItH a SmilE

The bright side: Friendly and humanitarian Honest and loyal Original and inventive Independent The dark side: Intractable and contrary Perverse and unpredictable Unemotional and detached

Friday, February 27, 2009

To ThE eASt

Day out to East Coast (very overdue hahaha)

As Northerners, mi and the bf seldom venture to East side but we do love going to East Coast and Katong (for laksa, tau kwa pok etc).

One fine day last mth, we hopped on the bus for our far-flung journey to the east.

Mi on the bus. He snapped it on the sly.

Arrived at the beach and started fooling ard.

Moi puffer fish. Trying to burst my own bubble cheek.

Normal shot behind some mosaic pillar. Urgh the bread face.

Our shoes. We got sand-filled shoes when we left.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hi aND bYe

Hello new mobile.

Goodbye entangled handsfree set.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

ShOot Me

Substance with Style

The Canon IXUS 80IS. It comes in 5 colours (the pic is missing the blue baby). I got one of the models for my own. Guess which colour I chose.

Initally I wanted a red camera ala the Sony one but Canon no red version leh. So I just went for the classic colour.
My latest sharp-shooter:

The gleaming silver

In related news Best Denki having clearance sale. Alot of display sets of cameras are on sale and marked down to like with $200 budget. Super good deal but will have to keep a sharp eye out for any scratches etc.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


The bday celebrations part 2

Trooped off to Hanabi (at Odean Towers) for my bdae cum Vday dinner on 14th Feb. The restaurant was fully packed and initally the bf was pretty pissed with them for the change time slots.

On a normal day, the place serves customers from 630 to 1030pm which means u can park your butt there for a cool 4 hours and gorge on sashimi, sushi, grilled and fried stuff and soups. But for Vday there was 2 time slots for customers ( so they can earn more $$$), the time slots included 530-7pm and 730pm - closing time, we took the later slot intially onli to have em calling the bf a few days later to say it has been revised to 8pm - closing time.

Frankly, we were pretty cool with the time change except the rude gal on the other line got the bf working up a storm cloud. Thank god, when we were dining the service was exceptionally satisfactory if not I would fear the worst. *phew*

Anyways, 2 token pics taken on the outing (coz the rest i look yucks in em).

Moi cake. I love those almonds :)

The bf trying to capture a shot of the cake with his cam + flash. End up looking like he conjuring up some ball of light (ala street fighter). Hahahaha

Monday, February 23, 2009

I want this HP designer laptop because

I want this HP designer laptop because
I wanna Make A Statement!

Having seen the models strutting the runway with HP Mini 1000 Vivienne Tam Edition that complimented her beautiful pieces, I too wanna win the chance to be a true-red fashionista who is connected to the world every time, every where.

Life will never be the same with:
- A digital clutch that not only slips into my handbag with ease but also allows me to work and
play at the same time while on the go.

- Attracting oodles of good luck (and envious glances) with its bright peony blooms

- Super lightweight to tote around without me working a sweat or having a hair outta place from home to work to town.

- It's a designer piece splashed out in vivid shades of violet and red! A must-have at an affordable price that won't break my bank :D
I want!

Friday, February 20, 2009

i NEed a TiME bAnK

so much to do... so little time...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

cArrOt CravInGS

Suddenly hit by a bout of fried carrot cake (white) cravings.

where are my bdae pics?? *looks at bf*

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I want this HP designer laptop because

I have

the every-girl-gotta-have LBD (little black dress),

the midnight dark mary jane heels,

a pair of dainty sparkles for my ears,

a soft black leather shoulder bag that is roomy for almost everything,


I need to stay connected wherever I am and wherever I go.

I need a splash of colour.

I need it be feather light and compact to slip into my bag.

I want it to be girly chic and speaks 'Look-at-me!' while invoking envious glimpses.

I want the HP mini 1000 Vivienne Tam.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bdae CeLEbRaTiOnS pARt I

The Bday Celebration(s)

Prelude to the big day where moi turned a year older, 2 of my colleagues treated to a dinner at this restaurant called Dan Ryan's which is in the vicinity of Regent Hotel.

A western place serving huge portions of pork chops, ribeye and the like, the place was dimly lit for a cosy effect and there was even a huge moose head nailed to the wall. Anyways, we ordered the ribeye and pork chops. The former was as good as we expected (a tad dry/tough for medium rare done) but the pork chops..

The sweet couple who took mi out for the treat :)

Oh my...the pork chops were fantastic! Drizzled with some kinda herb and olive oil thingy, it was both tasty and very tender :D

The meals also came with an assortment of bread/cake/muffin which was absolutely HARD. Skip those carbo, they are not worth the calories at all.

Then another surprise was in store. We went to this Russian eatery at Far East Shopping (the one beside Hilton Hotel). And we had...

(yah lah, that me in the midst of making my annual bdae wish). Now that's the cake (Baked Alaska) I mentioned about doused in blue flames. It was a vanilla sponge cake filled with vanilla ice cream and topped with fruits like peach n cherries.
Look at that flame. It brings back memories of the bunsen burner in my chemistry classes :p
The cake was lovely, both hot n warm (like warm brownie with cold ice cream) and the portions juz right for 3 ppl.
Thanks guys! I realli appreciate it lots.
More ancedotes on celebrations in the next entry :)

Monday, February 16, 2009

cOmINg Of AgE

Happy birthday to meeeeeeeeeee~

Thanks to my dear frens, loved ones for their bdae wishes.

I feel loved. totally.


will upload pics soon

Friday, February 13, 2009


A touching advanced bday celebration dinner ydae nite with frenz.

Is the first time I had a bdae cake doused in blue flames.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Are YoU KNUts????

Caught this with the bf and frenz at Victoria Theatre

Dark Knuts - Avenue Quantum

A comedy of sorts spoofing everything from blockbusters like Bat Man, Sex in the City, 007, Wall-E, Twilight to local productions like lil nonya and local observations.

Some of the funniest moments which got the crowd going crazy with laughter include:

- Bella (twilight) falling in love with the paled-skin and impossibly strong Joker puppet
- Mediacorp's run of the mill war movies with the same plot and dubious dubbing
- a take on Ion Orchard

Lovely satire comedy. I love it!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

eXcItEdLy AnTiCiPaTiNG

I am absolutely over the moon for a fren :D

Monday, February 09, 2009

vIrTuAL Bo LiAo ppL

Some fool trespassed my email.


May it hit you double times more.

Apologies to my contacts who may have received weird emails from my account.

Friday, February 06, 2009

LaMeAss Qn

A student was quoted asking why the government should dip into their reserves and roll out job credit schemes.


One of the biggest worldwide economic recession is escalating and we have insensitive nutcase voicing out this question.

You are a (ignorant) student.


Thursday, February 05, 2009


The legendary Crispy Lobster Salad Sushi from Ichiban!

Fresh lobster meat! I could eat plates of this~
Just went ydae for lunch but am raring to go again!!!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Shit. I dunno wat to blog today :)

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

gIvE it Up or I sHaLL sNaP YoUR pIC

A common sight in the MRT trains of Singapore.

Lately on the Stomp portal, there's a lil debate on the giving up seat to people in need (from pregger ladies to the elderly folk).

The debate unfolds from this pregger lady who got pissed by this other non-pregger lady (probably in her 20s to 30s) who did not give up her seat when she saw the former standing in front of her.

Pregger lady then proceeded to wipe out her hp and snap a pic of the non-pregger lady. Non-pregger lady then got reali pissed for having her pic taken without her permission and scolded cum cursed this pregger lady including the unborn in her.

Pregger lady uploaded the pic on stomp and hence the lil debate came in. Some readers argued how some 'people in need of seats' are downright unreasonable. Some questioned how the snapping of the pic to upload on the internet is uncalled for. Some jeered at the inconsiderate non-pregger lady claiming she deserves it.

IMO (in my opinion):

Everything stems from oneself's own initiative. If some fellow passenger refused to budge to give up their seat on the mrt to a person in need I do not see the need to snap that offender's pic to upload on a public portal. Yes, u may b pissed but I do think it's pretty rude.

And yes, I agree that the non-pregger lady was inconsiderate not to give up her seat to the pregger lady. Yes she gone too far to cursed at the unborn child too (note: she cursed after her pic was taken). But it does not warrent the pregger one to snap her pic.

What goes round comes around. Both IMO are at fault.

sidetrack: what if u are seated and there this lady who looks preggers yet may also not be preggers (mayb a lil tubby), would u give up your seat and risk getting slammed for thinking she is preggers when in fact she is juz a lil tubby?