Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
fOuL weAtHeR
What's with the weather?
It has been blowing hot and cold numerous times a day. One minute it's scorching hot, the other it is chilly and raining cats and dogs...
So unpredictable. Muz have a brolly just in case. No one wants to stranded and unable to return to the warm cosy and dry comforts of home.
Sleepy now...
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
For m&m's Peanut chocs... Have been lusting for this choc snack for a couple of day. Had a pack consecutively for 3 days and I want more...
So many different flavours from pure choc, peanuts, peanut butter etc... yum!
But my fave is the peanut one!
Maybe i will get a pack during lunch~ Choc releases happy chemicals and make u happi (just dun tink about the calories you are piling on) :p
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
周杰伦 - 退后
Love this song...
The Regret...
The Pain...
The Melancholy...
周杰伦 - 退后
Monday, August 27, 2007
Met with the BF at TCC located at Centrepoint on Saturday. Was ravenous when I arrived (the BF was already there nursing a frappe and doing his project essay an hour earlier) and weak in the knees due to the lack of food aka skipping brekky and lunchie.
Poured over the menu and discovered this 'beef ball pasta' that got me craving for more more and more! Lovely juicy beefballs (6 to be exact) that is crispy on the outside and tender in the inside. I love my food that is thick on flavours (but I hate strong cheese) and this main course really got me salivating.
Baked pasta with a sauce that's not creamy or tomatoish, but very flavourful (I just cant describe it!) and peppered with 6 to-die-for beefballs! It's the 1st time I tried TCC's main courses and was instant love!
*swoon* I wanna dig into it again but it's lil pricey at $14 odd dollars... Hmmm...maybe when I get my pay~
We also had our fill of desserts at Häagen-Dazs. Ice cream and more ice cream dripping with yummi choc sauce, waffles, strawberries, banana slices and apple pie! We had ice cream in choc Belgian, macademia nut, tiramisu, berries and cream and cookies and cream! Heavenly sinful...
Yesterday's dinner was the succulent Kim San Leng's coffeeshop steamed chicken rice. The BF spent like 20 minutes queueing to get his order down and the wait was well worth. Specifying only for the chicken breast meat, we were rewarded with tender, juicy skinless breast meat. Aaaahhh....fantastic!
I am hungry!
Friday, August 24, 2007
GoOD bOy
Whisky is adapting well now with his Elizabeth collar on. Initially on Tues after his surgery, he found it hard to lie down and sleep with the collar hence he ended up standing or siting while dozing over.
Mum had to 'teach' him how to lie down. He hates wearing it coz not only does it restricts his movements and sleeping habits, it stops him from scratching his ears. But the lil boy still sits down albeit sulky while mum puts on the collar for him.
We let him off without the collar during meal times and for a couple of hours to ease the tension/discomfort on his neck/head. You can see the immediate difference in mood. His lifted high up tail will do limp and down when the collar is put on and his eyes take on a sorrowful look. But no choice lah, it's for his own good. Am not risking him licking or biting the wounds when our eyes are off him or when we are snoozing in dreamland.
Now he does his best to lie down and sleep with the collar and no longer dozes off while he is standing or sitting. For the 1st time yday, I noticed his balls seems to shrunk in size and looked like dried prunes after the surgery. No longer the firm and 'juicy' ones before. :P
He is eating as per normal now and is a lot more livelier except we refuse to play catching with him for fear the vigourous movements will hurt the stitches...
Will be bringing him down for a review on Sunday and Saturday will be the last day the lil patient fella has to put on that hateful collar :)
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Taking in the sights...
Was over at my colleague's hubby's recording studio early this week. Located in the bustling area of Tanjong Pagar, I sneaked in some precious time to capture some sights.
A shop along the shophouses selling lotsa chinese new year decorations and toys. Just look at the prosperous red colour hung everywhere. Looks as if CNY is here again!

Really smashing spiral staircases. Beautiful!

These spiral staircases make lovely photo subjects~

The famous Sir Mariamman Temple. The oldest Hindu temple in Singapore.

A parting shot with a bride and groom (hidden by the pillar). Going for their outdoor photoshoot.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Post Surgery...
*updated with pics!
The lil frisky furry fella at home was carried home in the afternoon after his steralisation op. Poor lil thing, he was in pain and uncomfy with the huge-ass stiff Elizabeth collar to prevent him from biting or licking the wounds.
A lil incision was made between the tender area of his balls and *ahem*. Looks damn painful to me. Whisky was whinning in the cab on the way home as mum carried him ala baby style. The boy did not have much appetite and slept almost the whole day, even shivering in his sleep. Was so worried for him.
The antiseptic lotion (bottle) to apply on his wounds, pills (to be taken once a day and half a pill) to prevent inflammation and what's not.
The lil fella in the uncomfy Elizabeth collar. His tail slumps down and he gets downcast when we put on the collar for him :(
Close up shot. See those sad eyes?
Hope he recovers soon and back to his usual frisky and jolly self...
Monday, August 20, 2007
WheRe'S YOur MaNnErS?
Rude people...
Had a couple of brushes with some strangers with caveman-like manners over the weekend.
Rude person number 1:
The BF and I were have cuppas and studying at Starbucks and it crowded as the afternoon wore on. The cafe was packed and every table was occupied. Then, this man and his friend just walked in and happily plonked himself on the empty chair at our table without even saying 'excuse me, is this seat available?' or make any audible sounds!
Hey man, we are friendly peeps who mind a stranger who wants to share the table with us but don't you even have the decency to ask????? And not just plant your BIG butt on the chair? What if that chair was occupied and the occupant actually was at the counter buying a cuppa? WTF!
Anyway, the bf and I just allowed that ill mannered man to sit there while his friend went to buy a cuppa. Thankfully, they shifted to another table which was empty in the next few minutes. Would have no concentration to study facing such rogues. -_-III
Rude person number 2:
Received a 'wrong number' call yesterday while I was alighting from the train, I hate when the person on the other line can't even mutter a word 'sorry' for calling the wrong number. Wat's to be paiseh about when I can't and don't even know how you look like? Instead when I informed her that she dialed the wrong mobile number, she just hung up on me. Whao lau!
Rude person number 3:
Was chatting on my mobile in the train standing up and this auntie who was seated beside me, suddenly stood up and asked me what station the train was stopping at soon. Sounded ok enough coz sometimes I also enquire the same thing when I could not hear the station announcement but she was DEMANDING to know than ASKING.
I was downright pissed and answered 'Dhoby Ghaut' in the most pissed off voice I could muster. And you know what? She did not even thank me. WTH!
The world is made up of sorts. Just keep outta my way~
Friday, August 17, 2007
MaG mE
Have not been reading...
Recently, I have been neglecting the novels that I bought months ago. From Stephen King's collection of short stories, John Connelly's Nocturnes (1 more short story waiting to go) and other assorted books, have been left untouched on my (messy)table.
Even the newspapers have been given the quick-flip-and-go treatment hence my news radar is not exactly in working condition at the moment. Instead I still read my monthly mags with relish. Am a mag addict and I honestly own up.
Maybe coz mags are such light reads that I totally enjoy cutting off from the rest of the world for an hour or 2 while squeal, squirm, wowed and aahed at the contents of various mags. From lifestlyle to women to health, I spend like over $20 bucks a month on mags.
My regular reads include: CLEO, Singapore's Women's Weekly, Female, Her World, 8 Days, Clubpets and more. The local issues as they are generally cheaper although once in awhile I do pick up a copy of National Geographic or Reader's Digest.
I can't live without my mags dose *trembling at the thought of it*
Will be meeting christel to pick up our grad shots later. Hope they turn out swell :)
Thursday, August 16, 2007
BiSCuIt WoNdErs
The wonders of biscuit...
Never underestimate the crispy square looking biscuit in your hands. Especially if it's a Jacobs biscuit.
Was at Junction 8 after work yesterday evening and guess what?
The 7 wonders (and more) of the world were right there in the middle of J8 at the 2nd level in front of my eyes.... in the form of pieces of Jacobs biscuits!
The feat sits on a platform measuring about 6 by 1.2metres, and more than 24,000 biscuits from 13 varieties are used. All this in a bid to get into the Singapore Book of Records for the title of "'Largest Sculpture Made of Biscuits''.
Did not managed to take indiv shots of all the 'wonders' as my memory card is almost bursting but here are some shots to satisfy the curious and biscuit addicts :p
An overview of some of the wonders:
From L-R: Eiffel Tower,Great Pyramid of Giza (partially hidden), Tower Bridge of London, the Singapore's very own and Petronas Twin Towers.
The towering Eiffel Tower
The majestic Taj Mahal
Malaysia's Petronas Twin Towers
Yes and that mango looking sculpture (forgive me Jacobs) is Singapore's Esplanade!
Jacob's Biscuit World is on display at Junction 8 till August 19. Go take in the sights!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
My lil furry sibling will be undergoing a steralization surgery next week. Can't help feeling worried for Whisky given his not-very-brave nature.
So small, so helpless... So heart pain wor...
Due to AVA's new ruling, all dogs regardless male or female has to be steralized or the owners will have to pay $70 for the license each year instead of $14. The old rule was that even unsteralized males' license were only $14 but by Sept 1, this will change. Dogs bought or registered from Sept 1st will also need to be microchipped.
Hope the lil boy will not itchy mouth go bite at the stitches. We (my family) have been talking to him (duno if he understands or not) and telling him to be brave and we will be there to bundle him up and carry him home after the surgery.
He can be very 'dan xiao' coz he shivers when he sits the cab and when we are waiting at the clinic for his yearly injections. Although he is friendly to other dogs but he is just very no guts lah. A lil sound will cause him to jump and if some insect crawls onto his butt or we accidentally touches his butt, he will jump and look behind or quickly run from where he was lazing to another corner to inspect the 'foreign intrusion'.
My bro likes to comment how 'hum' (aka cowardly) he is but the more 'hum' he is, the more we wanna shelter, care and protect him :)
Just downed a big cup of teh halia, and it's making mi ultra drowsy~
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
WhEn The GaTEs ArE oPeNeD
Hungry Ghost Festival...
Yesterday was the start of the seventh month, and as always the living are burning incense papers, joss sticks and assorted offerings as the gates of hell is opened at mid-night sharp and spirits are released into the mortal world for a whole month.
Mum has been reminding me to not stay out too late during the seventh month and to keep my eyes WIDE OPEN when I walk the streets to avoid stepping on burnt incense papers or offerings.
In fact, I have even took to avoid hanging dangling stuff on my bag or anywhere else on me as rumours once warned that tinkling noises tend to attract spirits. Was on the way back from my student's place a couple of blocks away from mine, and boy was there a crowd at every void deck burning offerings for the hungry spirits. The smoke stench was thick and my student was commenting (she lives on the ninth floor) and wrinkling her nose at the burnt smell.
Downstairs, piles of burnt incense papers, lighted joss sticks were everywhere. It was quite a feat trying to avoid the stray burnt papers flying on the pavements.
I do believe in all things supernatural but I try not to keep it on my mind too much. Just have the basic respect for the unseen and keep outta their way :)
Saturday, August 11, 2007
MaRinA bAy CeLeBrAtiOnS - FiREworKS FinALe

The awesome fireworks...
NDP's fantastic finale that lit up the night skies beautifully..
Like a flower exploding into a million sparkling blooms~
Fiery red ones~
Love the shimmery ones~ Lovely
Splendid gold sparks!
Going green with envy?
Am in the middle of a constellation of stars it seems~
A shower of joy~
Hope you guys enjoyed the pictures :)
Friday, August 10, 2007
MarInA bAy CElEbRaTiOn Part 5
The show begins with water as the theme. Water = Life.
Pretty pretty with lasers and lotsa water sprays etc. I was very busy snapping on my camera. Busy but happy :)
A part of the main performance with fire elements.
Star star shining brightly in the sky. (reminds me of sailormoon for some weird reason I can't fathom)
Nice brightly lit ship glowing in the dark raven backdrop.
A cute lil girl in the earlier part of the day holding up her torch light.

Kiddo with his fun pack which comes in a wide array of colours~

See the fountain? Chio rite?

Spaceships alert! Hahah... no lah, it's those remote controlled flying devices. Heard they cost a bomb each.

Fireworks up next! My fave fave part of the parade :P
MaRiNA bAY cElBrAtiOns pARt 4

The Fighter Planes roaring pass Marina Bay amidst frantic cheers and waves of flags~
The hosts enthusiatically waving the flags in the air when the show goes on 'Live'.
This MP is sooo cute! (Note: The one on the right smiling)
Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew! The cheers were deafening when the cameras were on him...
Camera crew bringing u all the action on telly :)

Beautiful bursts of falling sparks~

Marina BaY CeLebRatiOnS pArT 3
A dragon boat race... where the green one won...
The smart contingents doing the march pass :)
Men in uniform *drool*
More men in uniform *drool*
The Singapore Flag. Stand up and sing the anthem!
My fave segment coming up! The daredevils - Red Lions! Weeet!
Just look at em! Look at the orangey trail of smoke. I can almost visualise em forming words in the sky :P
So brave! I can never jump off the plane with parachute given my fear of heights.
The bravados packing, saluting to the crowd and moving off the floating platform.
MarIna bAy CelebrAtiOns PaRT 2
The police speedboats... Damn shuai wor! So uber fast like the in the movies. Look at the white water foams ~vrrrroooomwooosh~
The host for the parade - Belinda, Daniel Ong, Annabelle Francis and 2 more others whose names slipped my mind for the moment. Sorrie~
Welcoming the hosts with flags waving frantically in the air. The actual parade goes on liv at 6pm. So for the one hour odd that the audiences were seated there, we were entertained by live local acts such as Sheik, Jay and other performers. We also did the 'Marina Wave' since no stadium so no Kallang Wave this time :p
Quite irritated with a couple seated beside the BF who remained with their butts stuck firmly on the seats and not taking part in the fun. Please lah, if so dun come and occupy those seats if you are not going to have fun. Give them to more deserving fellow citizens hhhmph!
Spotted a wild eagle gilding in the sky during the celebrations. Lovely predator~
These teenagers are dressed in fany costumes resembling fishes and are responsible for getting the atmosphere and the spectators hyped up!
Another one doing a lil sway to the music~
As the crowd watches on :p