An IgNoRaNt fOoL
I am apalled...
It's amazing how freely sec school kids or younger has decided the act of swearing is a sign of 'coolness' or being trendy.
Just weeks ago, a couple of secondary school kiddos (both bois and girls in a grp) started cussing and swearing on the bus. And mind you in loud tones that you cant help hearing even if you covered your ears.
Gosh, am I old fashioned or what? I cringe when I hear people curse without a reason. Franky, I curse too when I am fed up with stuff etc but I do not shoot the words FXXX or CB any-o-how...
Do those girls who open and close their mouths cursing CB at others know that they are actually making a fool of themselves? Do they actually know what CB means??????????? I doubt so at times...
In fact they looked damn smug and proud when they shoot such vulgarities off in public. It is so embarrassing. In fact I feel embarrassed for them.
Please wake up and realise you are onli cursing yourself instead of others. *slaps head*