LiFe'S a BuNcH oF LeMoNs,SqUeEzE 'eM wItH a SmilE

The bright side: Friendly and humanitarian Honest and loyal Original and inventive Independent The dark side: Intractable and contrary Perverse and unpredictable Unemotional and detached

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

TeLL mE tHe TiMe

Tick tock tick tock...

I can't do without watches. I need my watch on my wrist when I am out even though my mobile tells the time accurately.

I started wearing my 1st watch when I was in primary school and have not looked back since. Still remember it was a slender black leather watch with a gold rimmed white face. An analogue watch to be precise. I had it for 2 years before the strap got worn out and gave up on me.

Ever since, I had a Baby G in baby blue watch, numerous Swatches, a 24 hour watch, 1 seiko watch, 2 elle and more i hope to add to my collection.

If I ever absent mindedly forgot to put on my trusty watch, I'll by habit look at my wrist for the time only to realise that I had forgotten to strap it on... Feel empty without it.

My penchant for watches (or should I say design and style) often trigger of laughter from my beloved half. He is amused by my adoration for men watches ( I think they look so cool). I lurve BIG watches and metal steel straps. Dainty and slim watches are not really my style but there are some exceptions (like my trusty for years elle watch).

Analogue or digital? Analogue without any doubts. Do not ask me why coz I also do not know. Maybe its just an innate inclination.

By habit, I set all my watches 10 minutes ahead of time so that most of the time I will not be late. Even my alarm clocks at home are set 10 minutes fast. I feel insecure with an accurate setting as I am panaroid about being late and relish knowing that I still have 10 minutes to spare when I reach an appointed venue.

It is my dream and my beloved to be able to afford a glass display with watches bought from all parts of the world. Each intricately made and limited edition. It will be our own private and exclusive collection (expensive too).

Besides, watches are a timeless fashion accessory. Capable of changing the tone of mood of one's dressing. Strap on a classic black metal watch for a formal meeting, a funky and bright coloured sport watch for a casual day out town or the beach or a slender ribboned watch for a ladies nite out. Watches make a statement and paly a part in the image you want to present to others.

So many brands with watches made up of real diamods at luxury boutiques. My fave brand at the moment is swatch coz of their extensive range of quirky, smart, sporty and casual watches. The prices aren't too bad too.

Shall spy with my little eye on the time now...My wrist's itching for a new accessory mate :p


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