LiFe'S a BuNcH oF LeMoNs,SqUeEzE 'eM wItH a SmilE

The bright side: Friendly and humanitarian Honest and loyal Original and inventive Independent The dark side: Intractable and contrary Perverse and unpredictable Unemotional and detached

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

pAsAr MaLaM eVoLuTiOn

Went to pasar malam near my place last night...

It was a total disappointment (many of the pasar malams in recent times have been less vibrant than those when TVs' were still screening in black and white). The pasar malam stretch was pathetic, I can walk through it in 5 minutes flat (am not joking).

The usual suspects were there too. Ranging from under the blks stalls selling baby clothes, batik night dresses, imitation bags, wallets, pirated CDs, fried chicken wings, fishballs, taiwan sausages, toufu, muah chee, tutu cake and of course the star of modern day pasar malam - ramlee burger.

I had tasted the 'famous' ramlee burger a couple of months back. Mine was a chicken patty topped with sauces and yummlicious cheese. Yum! But ever since had not tried another one. Tempted but having to fork out close to 5 bucks for a burger with cheese sorta hold my reins back.

My usual horde when I go to the pasar malam are food food and more food. Muah chee and taiwan sausage are a must! The rest of the stalls? I usually just whizz by... Nothing much to see and stop by at to tell the truth.

I still hang on to the times when I was younger (not too long ago - okay, who am I kidding?) where the pasar malams used to be much more colourful. My family members and I can spend up to an hour just browsing slowly by and going aaahhh and ohhhh at the stuff. Now it is just "hurry up buy and go home" mantra.

Besides pasar malam (used to) be known as a great bargain place where you can cheap cheap stuff but now it does not seem to be the case. I can get a batik dress for 6 dollars or less elsewhere besides getting it from the pasar malam.

Wish the good old pasar malam days can be revisited just like the retelecasted (far and way too many times) old dramas on local tv...


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