SwwweeeeT CoLLeAgUeS
Bless these kind and saacharine sweet souls in my office
Lovely isn't it? My colleague sure has the knack for prettifying things up lah ;)
Guess wat's inside?
*note lao niang is 25 yrs old NOT 26 hahahahahaa :P
Taaaaa daaaah! A pretty purple theme bracelet
Then hor on vdae...
Another sweeet colleague passed a round of sweeeeet choc hershey kisses nicely wrapped up to all in the office... *melts*
Look at this heart clip! All the way from Japan wor~
The treasures inside: purple dark chocs and golden milk chocs.
I finished em up with minutes :D
A durian cake to share with the BF on V Day nite. Yesh, we cleaned it all up within half an hour. Intoxicated with durian now *burp*
I have more pics coming up tomorrow on my pig-out session at kuishin-bo on Sat... I can see that my arms are chubbier le *boo hoo*