wHAT Not To eAT DUrInG a (1st-TiME) dAte
While dining out at a very affordable casual Italian eatery at Liang Court one fine Sunday evening, I arrived at today's blog entry after trying a particular dish there.
*drum roll*
Squid Ink Pasta
Yes, these jet-black stained noodles topped with pieces of squid dish, is a creation I have been wanting to try.
To utmost mock horror and the BF's amusement, I endured stained lips, teeth and tongue (in cool black) while slurping up the decently tasty dish.
To quote the BF: 'You like you have been poisoned.'
I was then enlightened how tak-glam if I were to tuck into this plate of pasta should I was on a first-date with him. I would probably rate a big fat zero for looking like a squid eating sea monster or something.
So my dear frenz, never. I repeat NEVER, eat this should you go on a first-date with that special someone or a crush. It ain't pretty.
For those who are comfy with their other half to extend you are not paiseh to fart infront of him/her, do go ahead and indulge. Bare your teeth for smiles too. :D