LiFe'S a BuNcH oF LeMoNs,SqUeEzE 'eM wItH a SmilE

The bright side: Friendly and humanitarian Honest and loyal Original and inventive Independent The dark side: Intractable and contrary Perverse and unpredictable Unemotional and detached

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

LiFe TrAnSfOrMeRs 2

One of my fave variety shows on local telly. Probably also one of the few where I could plonk my butt down straight for an hr (inclusive of commericals) and experience waves of sympathy, sadness, happiness and contentment all at the same time.

Helmed by hosts Christopher Lee and Quan Yi Feng, the second series continues on the mission to transform the less than desirable home environments of the under-privileged. Many such as yesterday's family (The father was sick with diabetics and other high blood related illness and the mother was suffering from depression with a mentality of a child) was ridden with financial problems due to a parent or both being physically disabled or sick hence devoid of work to earn and upkeep the living standards of the occupants.

With such neglect, many of the homes are overrun with roaches, fleas and other blood-sucking and disease-causing pests. In addition, the places are usually sparsely furnished with paint-peeling walls and children who are unfortunately deprived of what they should enjoy - a happy childhood.

Yesterday's child only wished for a football and it was the only thing in his 11 years ever asked for from his dad. It made me shameful to think how much stuff I was ridiculously badgering my mum for and how lucky kids nowadays are. Many at such an age have a gadget display ranging from PSPs to mobiles to netbooks.

The hosts and gracious volunteers set work to setting things right from cleaning up the dire state of the homes. Including getting bountiful 'surprises' from hidden roaches and crouching six-legged insects and the like.

I never fail to feel humbled and appreciate what I have. How often have one despise or even rant at what one was given?

We tend to rail coz we constantly compare ourseleves to others. Forgetting how much some people who slipped through the cracks have it so so so so much worse. Who would shine a light for them? Who will lend a hand to help them up?

Life Transformers is that light and hand. At the end of the show, the crew even presented the boy with a new football and a cake to celebrate his coming 12th birthday. He was moved to tears while his dad was struggling to contain his. Me? I think I was sobbling like a baby.

Do catch it on channel 8, every monday at 8pm - 9pm.

It is seriously a show to watch and stop being a spoilt brat.


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