ARe We To jUdGe
A recent ruckus was created in the chinese evening dailies of a certain celeb host and DJ in his late 50s and his 'affair' r/s with his 24 year-old female assistant.
Due to a huge age gap for like over 30 years, many forumers etc have labelled him an 'old cow lusting for fresh young grass'. In fact, the comments and labelling went to such an extent, that the celeb host in question decided to air his grievancies and clear up the matter on a supposedly 'live' telecast on Monday in a variety show on Channel 8.
Peppered statements include how he and his soon-to-be-ex-wife were already encountering problems in their marriage as early as in the 90s and how both had come to a common agreement to end the union on amicable terms. He also went on to say how he will allocate like 60% of his pay and how his flat will go to her when the divorce proceedings are finalised.
He appeared stoic and calm. Though some forumers have called him a hyprocite for trying to make amends and look pitful blah blah.
Frankly, such affairs or r/s where one hooks up with someone tons of years younger are a common sight EXCEPT most of these people are probably not celebs. Hence their r/s and affairs are not being publicly discussed on papers or having absoute strangers hurl labels at them.
My take on the matter:
The male celeb is free to date whoever he wants. Even if it was realli an affair, us strangers do not have the right to label him some 'old cow'. A marriage is a union of 2 and many a time the complicated twists and turns that occurs is not something an outsider can understand or try to resolve.
BUT frankly I do not see the point of airing this on tv or even announcing how much he is parting with on a mthly basis to his wife. WTH would the audiences want to know this?