LiFe'S a BuNcH oF LeMoNs,SqUeEzE 'eM wItH a SmilE

The bright side: Friendly and humanitarian Honest and loyal Original and inventive Independent The dark side: Intractable and contrary Perverse and unpredictable Unemotional and detached

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My NeW SpEcS

The lenses of my specs fell out ceremoniously one after the other a couple of months ago.

I was left specs-less and dependent upon my contact lenses till I finally mustered my lazy bones to pop down to the resident optician to be prescribed a new pair ydae.

With a sky high degree of 850/750, I am pretty concerned about the thickness of my lenses.

I hope my new specs turn out ok. I don't want to cause an eruption of hysterics when I don them.


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