LiFe'S a BuNcH oF LeMoNs,SqUeEzE 'eM wItH a SmilE

The bright side: Friendly and humanitarian Honest and loyal Original and inventive Independent The dark side: Intractable and contrary Perverse and unpredictable Unemotional and detached

Monday, January 05, 2009

ThoSe WeRE The Days

Took a bus down to Bishan from Novena after a Wee Nam Kee chicken rice lunch (almost marred by a heavy sudden downpour) and it passed by the outskirts of my sec sch.

Brought back memories of our classroom which can be clearly seen/identified. I miss those days.

In fact I can honestly declare my sec sch period was da best of my whole academic years.

-going for prefectorial camp on an annual basis
-incessant crushes on prefectorial seniors and table tennis seniors, bb ball seniors
-getting a earful for talking too loud during guard duty in the morning by the VP
-tearing hair out over A Maths and all that gibberish
-going to Junction 8 and idle
-missing the damn bus home everytime I am halfway across the overhead bridge
-hiding hefty textbooks under the table
-copying homework
-mugging for O levels

and many assorted adventures

I would love to turn back time n don the 'foolscape' paper uniform again.


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