LiFe'S a BuNcH oF LeMoNs,SqUeEzE 'eM wItH a SmilE

The bright side: Friendly and humanitarian Honest and loyal Original and inventive Independent The dark side: Intractable and contrary Perverse and unpredictable Unemotional and detached

Monday, January 28, 2008

What A qUeue


I spent 2 hours plus of my precious Saturday afternoon joining a queue comprising of hundreds of humans at Suntec City.

Yes. U heard it right. 2 hours plus. 100 odd humans.


For my chance at a spin for a Lianhe WanBao promotion. It was the newspaper's anniversary and there were a galore of prizes up for grabs such as a 40inch samsung LCD tv (the one i was gunning for), air tixs to China, courts dining table, new moon rice, yeo's drinks, osim devices etc.

So after a what seems like forever and ever... it was finally my turn at the wheel. Guess what I won



a 5kg bag of new moon rice

Yeah.. -_-III

Ok lah, at least rice brings along some prosperous meaning to cny haahahaha

Too bad the samsung tv was won by some lucky lady...

urgh! 40 inch LCD tv valued at $2999!

Too bad, you are not mine to be....


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