LiFe'S a BuNcH oF LeMoNs,SqUeEzE 'eM wItH a SmilE

The bright side: Friendly and humanitarian Honest and loyal Original and inventive Independent The dark side: Intractable and contrary Perverse and unpredictable Unemotional and detached

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

ToUGh In EvEry sEnSe Of ThE wORd

Tough phone to crack...

My new phone is very stubborn. After I showered it with an avalanche of praises on how swell it looks, it has become arrogant in its little complicated hi-tech mind.

Firstly, it refused to allow its back to be slide off easily. Making me spend hours like an idiot using all my might to get it off. Even harnassed the mighty powers of my mum and bro but it refuses to give in.

Thankfully, I discovered its weakenss and now the back cover slides off easily as reciting my ABCs.

Then, I tried to insert my SIM card and the MicroSD card into the respective slots at the side of the phone. Instead of fitting in nicely so that I can close the steel cover, BOTH cards pop out like an eyesore. -_-III

Rendering me spending another couple of hours pushing, poking and forcing the cards in. Thanks to the nifty toothpick (what ya know!) both cards were pricked to stay into place and the steel cover shut down properly.

And then, I tried to install the software on my office comp so I can synch my comp with my phone and shift songs, pics and videos on my comp to my phone. This time, the tooopid software refuse to be installed. Citing that I lack the latest flash player software. So I went to download the software and yet that irritating prompt still pop up!

Frazzled nerves alert! I went home to my more tech-savvy bro and got him to install the CD. Thinking things will work out fine, I went to fiddle with my stuff in my room only to hear my bro screaming for me minutes later.

Turns out, the CD can be installed but only at 96% and not 100% yet the the message appears as 'Installation Complete'. WTH?!

So now, I have got no pics, no videos and only 1 pathetic song on my mobile.



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