LiFe'S a BuNcH oF LeMoNs,SqUeEzE 'eM wItH a SmilE

The bright side: Friendly and humanitarian Honest and loyal Original and inventive Independent The dark side: Intractable and contrary Perverse and unpredictable Unemotional and detached

Thursday, June 07, 2007

cOugH cOUgh CoUGh

It's a matter of COMPROMISE...

when two people get together. To tolerate one another's not-very-pleasant habits etc at times.

I can understand if one can't stand the other party's nose picking habits/smoking/nail biting and other 'controllable' ways


to control one's cough when one is sick?

Excuse me? How to control? Swallow back the itchy wave of cough and incur internal turmoil?

What nonsense.

How can you tell me I should not hold back my coughs and yet at the same time ask and BLAME me for coughing and making you want to cough too?


How about the next time you have a stomach upset and I tell you not to go to the toilet coz it's making me feel like making a trip to the loo too?

You will probably yell that it is beyond your control and you did not want to have a tummy upset at all.

So please you think I want to cough so much? You think I cough so that I can make you cough too?

I will not TOLERATE such nonsenses thrown at me.

I will cough all I want coz I am feeling unwell and am down with a cough and sore throat.


If such a thing gets on your nerves so easily. How could we ever live together?????????


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