PrOspeROuS LuNaR NeW yEar!!!!
Woo hoo!!!!!!
Happy Lunar New Year!!!!
It's the year of the Golden shimmery pig!!!!!!! *oink oink*
Had a realli yummi reunion dinner lovingly cooked/prepared by mum washed down with festive fizzle orange drinks.
*Rubs tummi in content*
Plus the CNY goodies of pineapple tarts/rolls, bak kwa (which whisky loves), sweets, muah-chee, love letters etc etc is making mi tubbier :p
Went visiting today and it was great meeting up (and on the receiving end of ang pows). Hope you guys had fun enjoying this festive (long) holiday. Can sleep in late, wake up late and feast and feast.
Dieting is THE last thing on my mind man~~